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World History Like a novel Beginning Middle End and Characters Characters They re civilizations 1 East Asia China Japan Korea 2 South Asia India Pakistan Bangladesh 3 Middle East Islamic Saudi Arabia Iraq Iran 4 Sub Saharan Uganda Congo 5 Western Europe the West 6 Eastern Europe Russia Chronology See Image between periods Themes Why History Big Question 1 Patterns What makes the classical periods different from the post classical periods 2 Transitions Patterns have come to an end and new patterns start This is how we distinguish 1 The Rise of Civilization 2 modes of organization Nomadism barbaric and Sedintism 2 Globalism VS Tribalism Benefits and negative aspects 1 History creates identity Example Orphan outcasts in popular stories movies The journey as they move from orphan to hero circles around finding out who they are 2 History creates community Why do you root for the USA in the Olympics Because of your shared history with the people from your country 3 History shares social behavior Example Establishing who is a hero and who is a villain

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KSU HIST 11050 - World History

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