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History 1001 Test 1 Prehistory and the Emergence of Complex Societies Terms to know are highlighted Historical Themes Social structure class Economy Governmental structures Gender sexuality Differentiation of peoples race ethnicity ect Creative endeavors literature music art architecture Explanation of the world myths and science Answering Big Questions philosophy and religion Big Questions What is the good life Where does suffering misfortune evil come from What is the nature of humanity How should society be organized How do we understand the natural world What is our relationship to it Is there a world beyond the physical one and if so what is our relationship to it Western Civilization What is civilization Latic civis citizen inhabitant of a city civitas collection of citizens state Idea of the West Ancient to modern differentiation mutual influence Greece and Persia Rome and the Greek World Christendom and the Dar Islam Europe and Asia Human Origins Hominids Australopithecus 3 5 Million Years ago Lucy found in Ethiopia about 3 2 million years ago Homo Erectus 1 5 million years ago Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis 500 000 25 000 years ago Homo Sapiens Sapiens 200 000 Years ago Clay Art Early Evidence of Human Creative Activity Venus of Hohle 38 000 years ago in central Europe Lion Man of Hohlenstein Stadel 35 000 years ago Venus of Willendorf 22 000 years ago Cave Paintings Peche Merle 25 000 years ago Chauvet 30 000 years ago From Nomadic to Settled Hunter Gatherers go where the food is Domestication of Animals Dogs 12 000 BCE Sheep pigs cattle 10 000 7 000 BCE Horses silkworms cats 3 500 BCE Fixed Settlements 10 000 BCE Domestication of Plants wheat rice maize figs legumes Early Cities Jericho 11th century BCE Continues habitation from 8 400 BCE Catal Huyuk dense settlement dirt buildings Anatolia 8th mill BCE Early Civilizations Rivers and Coasts Tigris and Euphrates Nile Indus Yangtze Mexico and Peru Southern Europe Smelting 5 500 BCE Alloys 3 500 BCE Copper Tin Bronze Writing 3rd Millenium BCE more practical Differentiation of Society Elites Kings Military Religious leaders Building of Religious structures palaces Disparities in Wealth Some social mobility Specialization of labor Artisans merchants farmers Slavery Warfare and debt Indo European Migrations Crafts and Technology Pottery 6 500 BCE Textiles 6 000 BCE Irrigation 6 000 BCE Mesopotamia between Tigris and Euphrates Metals Originated North of the Black Sea Horses wheeled carts Language influences settled areas Celtic Germanic Latin and Romance Greek Slavic Armenian Iranian Persian Pashto Sanskrit Ancient Mesopotamia Means between the rivers Fertile crescent Irrigation organization and planning From city states to empires Succession of dominant powers Mesopotamian Civilizations Patriarchal Society Sky gods Chthonic Greek word that has to do with the ground 4th Millennium BCE city states in Southern Mesopotamia Sumer not a city but a region in Mesopotamia Cities Uruk city in Sumer ca 50 000 people Surpluses and Trade Exports grain wool leather vegetable oil Imports wood metal jewelry Sea trade as far as India Wheel and overland trade Language Religion Literature and Writing Writing Cuneiform wedge shaped writing Earliest form of writing Kept track of economic transactions Ca 3 300 BCE pictographs literal and ideographs an idea Ex fork and knife Pictograph literally a fork and knife Ideograph represents a restaurant 2nd Millennium BCE phonograms represents sounds and speech Clay tablets From Entirely oral to limited literature culture Implications Religion Polytheistic worship multiple gods Capricious gods Natural phenomena divine pairs Anu and Antum sky gods male female pairs Enlil and Ninlil wind gods Assembly of gods Early deliberative government in city states To settle disputes between gods Some sort of hierarchy Creation Myths Atrahasis 18th Century BCE Akkad the great flood Marduk and Tiamat earliest copy ca 1100 BCE Babylon Conflict between these 2 gods leads to the creation of the world earth and water Ideas about the Afterlife The Epic of Gilgamesh Marduk patron god of Baylon Earliest written version ca 2000 BCE Loosely based on Sumerian King Gilgamesh and Enkidu Gods created Enkidu to subdue Gilgamesh however they became friends and wreak havoc on humanity this makes the gods very angry Caprice of gods Ishtar supposed to lure Gilgamesh wants to be with Gilgamesh doesn t work and she becomes angry Ishtar sends Bull of Heaven to kill Gilgamesh Enkidu and Gilgamesh kill the bull Death of Enkidu Eventually Gilgamesh is killed so there aren t 2 big powers Vision of the afterlife Gilgamesh sees a vision of Enkidu Search for Immortality how to avoid death Gilgamech wants this but then has to accept that humans are not immortal Gilgamesh and Utnapishtim attained immortality survives the flood Family in Mesopotamian Society Fathers exert strong control of families Women marry into families if marriage to one son is not successful she is given to another son Brides much younger than the husbands Girls are virgins at marriage women can be drowned for adultery More difficult for women to dissolve marriage Most important thing in marriage is reproduction and continuation of family Empires Akkadians 1st Mesopotamian Empire Semitic language Sumerian Culture Sargon 2350 BCE Enhueduanna Hymns to Ishtar Akkad Inanna Sumer Ur Ur Nammu king ca 2100 Babylonians Ziggurat religious structures storage law code one of the eariest monetary payments for most crimes Hammurabi ca 1750 Marduk Destruction by Hitties 1600 BCE Indo Europeans Code of Hammurabi primary source advantage of written law its written What kind of issues did Hammurabi s Law Code address What problems was the code trying to solve Ex an eye for an eye What do we know about social status in ancient Babylonia Higher the status higher the punishment What do we know about the family What do we know about commercial activity Ex surgeons lost hands if they messed up Punishments meant to provide deterrence and keep order Later Empires Late 2nd Millennium 1200 BCE disruption in Mediterranean Assyrians 9th century BCE Iron weapons new trend end of bronze age Displacement of conquered peoples not a cohesive group of people cannot rise up and take over spread everyone out Chalcedons Neo Babylonians 6th century settle in Babylon as their capital Nebuchadnezzar king Persians 6th Century Cyrus Ancient Egypt along the Nile Gradual predictable flooding Flood in late Summer harvest

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LSU HIST 1001 - Prehistory and the Emergence of Complex Societies

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