1 ENZYMES HORMONES IMPORTANT PROCESSES OF BIOCHEMISTRY Hexokinase I Glucose 6P Phosphofructokinase 1 PFK 1 A I o AMP o Fructose 2 6 Bisphosphate o MgATP o Citrate o Anions Pyruvate Kinase A Fructose 1 6 bisphosphate I o Phosphorylation by cAMP dependent protein kinase o ATP Phosphofructokinase 2 PFK 2 I Phosphorylation by serine threonine protein kinases F6P activates the kinase and inhibits the phosphatase domain increasing fructose 2 6 BisP Synthesizes F 2 6 BisP Cholesterol synthesis A Increased ATP I Decreased ATP Pyruvate Dehydrogenase PDH A o Dephosphorylation by dehydrogenase phosphatase o Pyruvate positive regulation I o Phosphorylation by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase o Increased NADH NAD o Acetyl CoA o During fasting Increased ADP PDC kinase is inhibited and PDC is active Prosthetic groups in order o TTP o Dihydrolipoamide o FAD Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase PDC kinase I o ADP o Pyruvate Pyruvate Carboxylase A Acetyl CoA Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase PEPCK Induced o Glucagon o Epinephrine o Glucocorticoids o cAMP major inducer o Cortisol major inducer Citrate Synthase Controlled by concentration of OAA and citrate I Citrate Isocitrate Dehydrogenase A ADP o Ca2 I NADH Uses NAD as coenzyme Carnitine Palmitoyl Transferase CPT 1 A N acetylglutamate NAG I Malonyl CoA ketoglutarate dehydrogenase A Ca2 I o NADH o Succinyl CoA o GTP Uses NAD Contains coenzymes as coenzyme o TTP o Lipoic acid o FAD Succinate Dehydrogenase uses FAD as coenzyme Malate Dehydrogenase I NADH Uses NAD as coenzyme Glucose 6P Dehydrogenase A NADP I NADPH Induced during fasting When deficient decreased reduced glutathionine Acetyl CoA Carboxylase A I o Dephosphorylation o Citrate o Phosphorylation by AMP activated protein kinase o Palmitoyl CoA Induced by high insulin glucagon Converts cytosolic Acetyl CoA to Malonyl CoA HMG CoA Reductase A 2 o Dephosphorylation by Increased Insulin o Increased thyroid hormone o Phosphorylation by glucagon and HMG CoA o Increased glucocorticoids I Fructose 1 6 Bisphosphatase I o Fructose 2 6 BP o AMP Induced during fasting Glycogen Synthase I o Phosphorylation o Increased cAMP Glycogen Phosphorylase A o Phosphorylation o Increased cAMP Alcohol Dehydrogenase ADH Oxidizes ethanol to acetaldehyde Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH Oxidizes acetaldehyde to acetate Inactive ALDH is associated with a distaste for alcohol and protection against alcoholism Glutamine Synthase Converts ammonia to glutamine Glutamate Dehydrogenase Converts glutamate to ketoglutarate Released during fasting or stress Initiates protein degradation 3 Glycolysis A o Fructose 2 6 BisP o Fructose 1 6 BisP o AMP o ADP o Insulin I o Glucose 6P o Citrate o ATP o Alanine o Acetyl CoA o NADH o Glucagon Induced by insulin Glycogenesis Increased with insulin A Glucose 6P Decreased with o Glucagon o Epinephrine Glycogenolysis A Ca2 Increased with o Glucagon o Epinephrine KEY A STANDS FOR ACTIVATED BY I STANDS FOR INACTIVATED BY Glutaminase Converts glutamine to glutamate and NH4 Carbamoyl Phosphate Synthetase 1 A n Acetyl Glutamate Regulatory enzyme of urea cycle Elevation of carbamoyl phosphate orotic acidurea Ornithine Transcarbamolyase Carbamoyl phosphate condenses w ornithine citrullene Arginossucinate Synthetase Aspartate citrullene arginosuccinate Arginossucinate Lyase Cleaves arginosuccinate to fumartate and arginine Arginase Cleaves arginine to urea and ornithine Insulin A Ca2 Anabolic fuel storage Glucagon A I Cortisol o Amino acids o Cortisol o Neural stress o Epinephrine o Insulin o Glucose Has no effect on skeletal muscle Fuel metabolism
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