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Does the criminal justice system discriminate against racial minorities I do not believe that the criminal justice system as a whole is discriminatory toward minorities with that being said i do know that there are individuals who will have certain feeling about individuals from different races or ethnicity based on beliefs or experiences That is the tricky part of this question because individuals will hold on to bad experiences and one can judge a person based on their ethnicity or race For example a judge is carjacked in his past by a hispanic person that was both verbally and physically assaulting this judge may or may not subconsciously judge other hispanics that are tried before him or her based on this negative experience On the other hand a judge may just be jaded from witnessing so many African American males be tried for violent crimes that when a Black male comes in to court with no prior charges the judge may still give a harsh sentence based on his or her experience with repeat offenders of that race or ethnicity Whether these practices are intentional or not they must be stopped because judging an individual in a criminal justice setting is an appalling abuse of power I don t feel that he criminal justice system as a whole discriminates against racial minorites However I do feel there are certain areas where racial discrimination does take place There are still places in America that are predominately white and if a Black or Hispanic family moves in they are the talk of the town In these types of places I feel that racial minorities are more inclined to be discriminated against if they were to commit a crime versus a White individual Furthermore no all courtroom personnel are racist but I feel that certain courtrooms can have racist people As far as policing I do feel there are certain police officers who do discriminate against minorities but I don t feel that it is everywhere And with corrections since I have 10 years personal experience in a prison setting I did not see any racial discrimination If an offender did wrong he was reprimanded accordingly No matter what race

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UOPX CJA 344 - Assignment

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