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Important terms that are often misused Fact a data point a well confirmed observation o Lots of independent evidence o Unlikely to be overturned o NOT proof or truth Law general statement describing some aspect of the natural world and how it behaves o Not known to vary Hypothesis possible tentative explanation of observations o May be weakly well or not supported Theory very well supported explanation o Relies on facts laws hypotheses o Supported by lots of observations o Supported by multiple lines of independent evidence Facts and laws require explanations hypothesis and theories provide explanations Biology science of living things life What is a living thing Made up of one or more cells the basic units of life All use energy o Autotrophs organisms that make their own energy Plants o Heterotrophs organisms that take energy from others o Respond to internal stimuli what homeostasis is about Maintain homeostasis o Consistent internal conditions Ability to reproduce grow and develop o Asexual or sexual Respond to environment external stimuli Posses a life cycle Adapt evolve relative to their environment o Short time and long time scale Respiration o Maintains metabolism Highly ordered but complex o Hierarchy to life Hierarchy of life Cellular level o atoms molecule macromolecule organelle cell Organismal Level Populational Level o Tissue Organ Organ system Organ o Population Species Community Ecosystem Biosphere Evolution Definition change in time Within biology evolution has a dual nature Can be FACT o Observations data points organisms o Well confirmed Living things change over time Can be theoretical explanation These observations and data points change over time in living o Change of living things over time over a long tie has generated the diversity that we see today Evolution by natural selection First mechanism of evolution natural selection was not published until 1859 when Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species Darwin Wallace Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection o Alfred Russel Wallace Where did Darwin s ideas come from o Served for five years on the HMS Beagle 1831 1836 Several pivotal events occurred on this voyage The Earth was a lot older than he originally thought o Read Principles of Geology by Charles Lyell o Recognized that there was enough time for natural selection to occur Fossils resembled modern organisms currently living species o Recognized potential for shared ancestry relatedness Similar species varied from place to place in wys that suited their environment o Could mean that organismal change from common ancestor could be affected by environment Darwin after the Beagle came up with some observations o One major conclusion that he took from his time abroad was even though organisms of the same species look very similar they are not identical Always slight variations in morphological characteristics features o Four postulates ideas that Darwin used to lay out evolution by natural of all creatures selection Postulate 1 Individuals within species are variable Variation may have no impact on organism but can also be advantageous or disadvantageous But sometimes variation results in an individual having an advantage o Can lead to increase in survival and or increase in reproduction

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