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Advertising and Promotion Marketing Exam 3 Chapter 11 Advantages of Television Creativity High Coverage and more cost effectiveness High Captivity and attention Selectivity and flexibility airs o Flexibility due to graphic spots Limitations of Television Zipping previously recorded program Zapping o Changing channels to avoid commercials Network Advertising Television Network services o Affiliates Allied local TV stations Advantage Disadvantages o Simplifies the purchase process o Cost of advertising on prime time is high o Available time slots o Selectivity due to program content cable stations and the time the program o Occurs when viewers fast forward through commercials as they play back a o Assembles a series of affiliates to which it supplies programming and Up front market Scatter market Buying period that occurs before the TV season begins Buying period that occurs throughout the season Spot and Local Advertising Spot advertising Commercials shown on local TV Time is negotiated and purchased directly from the individual Syndication Syndicated Programs stations market basis Types o Shows that are sold or distributed on a station by station or market by o Off network syndication reruns of network shows that are bought by o First run syndication Shows produced specifically for the syndication individual stations market Methods of Buying Time Sponsorship Participations o Advertiser assumes responsibility for the production and content of the program and the advertising that appears within it o Several advertisers buying commercial time on a particular program o 90 of network advertising is sold as participation Spot announcements o Purchased from the local stations appear during adjacencies Adjacencies time periods adjacent to network programs Selecting Time Period and Programs Day parts Cable Television Superstations o Specific segments of a broadcast day o Independent local stations that send signals nationally via satellite to cable operators Carry national advertising o Number of cable systems and networks in a geographic area joined for Advertising on Cable Television Interconnects advertising purposes Advantages Limitations o Selective narrowcasting o Audience fragmentation Television Audience Measures Programming o Percentage of TV households in an area that are turned to a specific program during a specific time period Rating points specific program Households Using Television HUT o Represents 1 of all the television households in a particular area tuned to a o Percentage of homes in a given area where TV is being watched during a o Percentage of households using TV in a specified time period that are tuned specific time period Share of audience to a specific program National Audience Information People Meter Local Audience Information Designated market areas DMAs audiences Sweeps Developments in Audience Measurement year o Records what is being watched and by whom in 10 000 households o Ares that don t overlap used for planning buying and evaluating TV o Viewing audiences in every local market are measured at least four times a Cross campaign ratings o Measures the number of people who Watch an ad only on TV View ad online Both Radio and TV Similarities Both Media o Are time oriented media o Have some network affiliates o Are regulated by the FCC o Are passive low involvement Advantages of Radio Cost and efficiency Receptivity Mental Imagery Limitations of Radio Creative limitations Fragmentation Chaotic buying procedures Limited research data Limited listener attention Competition from digital media Buying Radio Advertising Time Around 10 minutes per hour Audience Information Average quarter hour AQH figure o Image transfer Images of a TV commercial are implanted into a radio spot o Avg number of people estimated to have listened to a station for a minimum of five minute during any quarter hour in a time period o Total number of different people who listened to a station for at least five minutes in a quarter hour period within a reported day part Cume AQH Rating o Estimated number of listeners as a percentage of the survey area population Bought by the general public for information and or entertainment Chapter 12 Classifications of Magazines Consumer magazines Farm publications Business publications Consumer Magazines Advantages of Magazines Selectivity Reproduction quality Creative flexibility gatefold a third page ad Permanence Prestige Consumer receptivity and engagement Services Services Split Runs Disadvantages of Magazines Limited reach and frequency Long lead time Magazine Circulation Guaranteed Circulation o Two or more versions of an ad are printed in alternate copies of a particular issue of a magazine o Help determine which ad generates the most responses or inquires o Publishers give advertisers a rebate if the number of delivered magazines falls below the guarantee o Figures are set safely below the average actual delivered circulation Cost Elements Involved in Purchasing Magazine Advertising Space Magazine Networks o Offer advertisers the opportunity to buy a space in a group of publications as a package deal Future of Magazines Types of Newspapers Publishers are focused on building database marketing Newspaper Supplements o Included by papers in their Sunday editions o Parade is an example of syndicated supplement Types of Newspaper Advertising Display Advertising o Uses visual devices in addition to the copy text Classified Advertising o Ads are arranged under subheads according to the product service or offering being advertised Advantages of Newspapers Geographic selectivity o Newspaper goes to a very specific geographic audience still a lack of selectivity General VS Local Rates for Newspaper Ad Space General Rates are 75 higher than those paid by local advertisers Rate Structures Flat Rates o Offer no discount for quantity or repeated space buys o Depend on the number of column inches purchased in a year o Paper can place the ad on any page or in any position it desires Open rate structure Run of Paper ROP Preferred position rate Combination Rates o Allows advertisers to choose a specific section and or position on a page o Advertisers get a discount for using several newspapers as a group Uses variety of non traditional channels to deliver communications and promote Chapter 13 Support Media products and services Other Terms of Support Media Alternative Below the line Nonmeasured Nontraditional Outdoor Advertising Factor of Success

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KSU MKTG 45045 - Chapter 11 Advantages of Television

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