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Summary Sheet 5 Pulse and Blood Pressure Honor Pledge I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination Please copy the pledge below and sign your name signature and date 1 Using what you know about pulse and blood pressure form a hypothesis about what you think will happen to a patient s pulse after heavy exercise After heavy exercise I think that the pulse and the blood pressure of the individual would increase due to the bodies need for Oxygen 2 Would wrist or neck pulse be felt first following a heartbeat Why Given that the blood would pass through the carotid artery before the radial artery a neck pulse would be felt first following a heartbeat Also based on location it is closer to the heart than the wrist 3 If an accident victim had a severed left subclavian artery which pulse neck or wrist would be most affected Why The wrist would be most affected because the subclavian artery feeds into the radial artery in the arm A severed subclavian artery would prevent blood flow within the radial artery to generate a pulse in this location 4 Is there any significant difference in the blood pressure obtained from the upper arm and the forearm There is a slight difference in reading blood pressure from the upper arm rather than the lower arm When taking blood pressure in upper extremities doctors listen to the blood flow near the inner part of your arm where the artery is closer to the heart since this provide a more accurate reading Whereas using the lower extremities to take blood pressure suggest a less effective reading as it is farther away from the heart 5 Are the BP values obtained for the leg the same as those obtained for the arm Explain any differences The BP values are obtained differently from the leg compared to the arm The BP cuff is wrapped around your arm approximately at heart level while for the leg the BP cuff is wrapped around the leg near the calf or thigh artery for a precise reading Although the process is different but the values remain the same 6 What happened to the pressure value when the volunteer was standing Explain your answer Blood pressure changes as you move change positions When changing your position from sitting to standing this causes 500 700 ml of blood to pull down towards the legs due to gravity causing less blood to be available to pump to the heart

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UMD BSCI 202 - Pulse and Blood Pressure

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