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BIOL 1002 Supplemental Instruction Exam 5 Review Exam 5 Review 1 2 Sporophytes produce haploid spores via 3 When haploid spores divide by mitosis multicellular plants called gametophytes form 4 In the diploid generation the plant body is known as the 5 Which plant generation is responsible for the production of B gametophyte A sporophyte a Fertilization b Mitosis c Meiosis d Pollination sporophyte haploid gametes a Gametophyte b Sporophyte c Zygote d Spore 6 All plants produce a Seeds b Pollen c Swimming sperm d Spores e Fruits 7 The rigors of the terrestrial environment led to many adaptations among terrestrial plants Which of these is NOT a necessary adaptation to dry land a Conducting vessels b Roots or rootlike structures c Separate gametophyte stage BIOL 1002 Supplemental Instruction Exam 5 Review d Cuticle and stomata e Lignin 8 What structural adaptation of land plants functions to deliver water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant a Lignin support b Cuticle prevent water loss c Stomata gas exchange d Conducting vessels xylem and phloem 9 Photosynthesis stops during very hot and dry weather because a Plants don t make lignin when it s hot and dry b The waxy cuticle melts in the hot weather c The stomata close which cuts off the plant s supply of carbon dioxide needed to perform photosynthesis d Most plants lack vascular tissue that would enable them to absorb water from the soil What is the reproductive structure of nonvascular and seedless vascular plants that encloses eggs and protects them from drying out 10 a Rhizoids b Sporangia c Archegonium d Gametophyte e Antheridium produce and protect sperm 11 The relatively small size of the nonvascular plants is probably due to a The lack of true leaves b The absence of vascular tissue c A unique but conservative pattern of reproduction d The dependence on water for reproduction e Their habitat Nonvascular plants have rhizoids which are similar to Seed plants produce male gametophytes known as 12 13 roots a Seed b Pollen c Flower d Fruit e Sporangium 14 Why has the evolution of reproductive adaptations the development of pollen and seeds proven so successful for the gymnosperms and angiosperms a Both adaptations permit the storage of water for later use b Both adaptations eliminate the need for dissemination by water BIOL 1002 Supplemental Instruction Exam 5 Review c Both adaptations permit dissemination over long distances through the actions of wind or animals d Both the second and third answers are correct e All of the above are correct 15 D spores B archegonium A sperm C antheridium 16 The sperm of conifers a Is transported to an egg by a bee b Are found in the ovary of a flower c Swims to an egg d Is carried in a pollen grain that has tiny wings e Are triploid The adaptations that attract potential pollinators are 17 flowers angiosperms BIOL 1002 Supplemental Instruction Exam 5 Review 18 Which of the following organisms bear fruit a Ferns seedless vascular b Maple trees angiosperms c Mosses nonvascular d Pine trees seed vascular gymnosperm e Liverworts nonvascular 19 In which of the following plants is the gametophyte the dominant generation a Mosses nonvascular can be dominate in sporophyte or gametophyte b Ferns vascular dominant sporophyte c Pine trees vascular dominant sporophyte d Sunflowers vascular dominant sporophyte e The sporophyte is dominant in all of the above 20 What is a function of a fruit a It attracts pollinators b It provides food for the developing embryo c It evolved so that people would cultivate the plant ensuring its survival d It stores excess food produced by photosynthesis e It helps ensure seed dispersal from the parent plant 21 What is the function of lignin a It promotes gas exchange in plant leaves b It provides support for the plant c It stores food d It waterproofs plant surfaces e It transports dissolved nutrients 22 Which of the following is the correct sequence during alternation of generations a sporophyte haploid gametes gametophyte haploid b sporophyte diploid gametes gametophyte diploid c sporophyte diploid spores gametophyte haploid d sporophyte haploid spores gametophyte haploid spores spores gametes gametes e sporophyte haploid gametes gametophyte diploid spores All plants exhibit alternation of generations This means 23 their life cycle a Includes both haploid and diploid gametes b Shows only asexual reproduction BIOL 1002 Supplemental Instruction Exam 5 Review c Has both a multicellular haploid stage and a multicellular diploid stage d Does not include meiosis 24 In plants a Gametes are produced directly after meiosis spores b Gametes are produced directly after mitosis c No gametes are motile d Seeds are always produced Which of the following characters is seen in the gymnosperms but is not seen in other seeded vascular plants 25 a Alternation of generations b Exposed seeds c Sporophyte stage d Pollen 26 Which of the following is not characteristic of a monocot a Leaves with parallel veins b Flower parts usually in threes or multiples of three c Narrow leaves d Seed with two cotyledons Nonvascular plants have all of the following characteristics except a Multicellularity b Specialized cells and tissues c Well developed vascular tissue d A protected stationary egg cell e A reduced dependent sporophyte A botanist discovers a new species of plant in a tropical rainforest After observing its anatomy and life cycle the following characteristics are noted flagellated sperm xylem with tracheids separate gametophyte and sporophyte phases and no seeds This plant is probably most closely related to a Mosses b Conifers c Ferns could ve been horsetails or club mosses too d Liverworts e Flowering plants Angiosperms are the most successful terrestrial plants This success is due to all the following except 27 28 29 a Animal pollination b Reduced gametophytes c Fruits enclosing seeds d Xylem with vessels e Sperm cells with flagella BIOL 1002 Supplemental Instruction Exam 5 Review 30 Danger of desiccation and the need for gas exchange are two conflicting problems that were solved through the evolution of a Phloem b Stomata c Cuticle d Only b and c are correct e A b and c are correct 31 Which of the following have net like veins in their leaves a Monocots b Gymnosperms c Ferns d Dicots broad hand like leaves 2 cotyledons taproot vascular bundles in ring flowers in groups of 4 or 5 e Nonvascular 32 All of the following are advantages of seeds except a Efficient dispersal b A

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