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What you need to know Be able to talk about the accomplishments from many prominent artists Michelangelo Leonardo Bramante Raphael Titian Be able to define the characteristics of Renaissance art Examine the difference between the High Renaissance and the Early Renaissance And talk about the influence of pope Julius II on commission of art Terms Linear perspective surface One point perspective horizon eye Atmospheric perspective Chiaroscuro Sfumato A scientific system used to create the illusion of space and depth on a flat A single vanishing point inside a composition that draws the viewers eye to the The creation of depth through colors and values How light and dark elements are treated in a painting The technique of applying a haze or smokiness quality to the composition Additional Information Discussion Questions Renaissance What is the difference between the artists of the HIgh Renaissance compared to the artists of the Early Renaissance The artist of the High Renaissance strove to make more expressive figures in their compositions Artists of this age were also more celebrated even labeled as divine What are the characteristics of Renaissance found in art Renaissance art is stable classical and geometric Leonardo What were the many talent that Leonardo da Vinci possessed Leonardo was a scientist painter sculptor musician architect and an engineer Describe some characteristics of the Portrait of Ginevra de Benci Leonardo s Portrait of Ginevra de Benci shows a woman wearing formal garments in 3 4 against a landscape background Which famous scientific illustration describes the anatomy of a human man The Vitruvian man is one of Leonardo s scientific illustration that displays the anatomy of a human man Describe the compositional elements of Leonardo s Last Supper Then contrast the figures with Castagno s Last Supper Leonardo s use of one point perspective offers a symbolic importance to the architectural halo above Jesus s head In Castagno Last Supper he displays Judas in front of the white table however Judas is sitting behind the table in Leonardo s piece Also the figures in Leonardo s piece are more expressive Describe the elements in the Mona Lisa and what it signifies The Mona Lisa displays a woman in 3 4 pose shown at half length just like his previous portrait it is very formal and shown against a landscape THe significance of this portrait demonstrates the change in the portrayal of women in the Renaissance Before women were shown in profile Now the focus is not on lavish possessions but more on the individual Bramante At the end of the 15th century Rome regained its power as the artistic center How did Rome change during the High Renaissance Rome became the crucible of the High Renaissance Pope Julius II was the most important commissioner of art in Rome Who did he commission to build the Tempietto Pope Julius commissioned Bramante to build the Tempietto Describe the importance of the Tempietto Inspired by Brunelleschi and Ghiberti the Tempietto demonstrates the characteristics of Renaissance art as well a asserts the power of the Roman papacy Michelangelo How was Michelangelo different from Leonardo Michelangelo valued sculpture while Leonardo valued painting Describe the characteristics of the Pieta Completed in two years instead of usually demonstrating grief or mourning the Pieta shows transcendence and tranquility There was debate over who sculpted the PIeta so to quiet all disputes MIchelangelo carved his name into the satch Describe the ceiling frescos of the Sistine Chapel Completed in four years Michelangelo s ceiling frescos act as one cohesive unit The frescos are famous for their muscular anatomy and dynamic figures and narratives What is important about MIchelangelo s most famous narratives The Creation of Adam One of Michelangelo s most famous narratives is important because it shows the transference of the divine spark as God transfers a soul to Adam Raphael Titian What was Raphael known for Rahael was known for his mastery of artistics techniques What was Titian known for Titan was known for his classical and sensual paintings

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HCCC ART 125 - Notes

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