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Successors of the Eastern Roman Empire Eastern Roman Byzantine Empire Capitol Constantinople New Rome Emperor and Ecumenical Patriarch patriarch of entire community Endures until 1453 CE Relationship between West and East Some Western kings seek acknowledgment from Byzantine Emperor Exarchate in Ravenna o Eastern outpost in the West Religious authority patriarchs o Rome First among equals Petrine Doctrine Traces authority to founder of the Church in Rome Peter o Person who is successor of Peter is leader of the Church has authority has special abilities forgiving sin damning people to hell o Constantinople o Alexandria Antioch Jerusalem Religious Dynamics Orthodoxy councils Arians remain influential in West but not in East Christological controversies What is the relationship between the divine and human natures or Christ o Nestorians emphasize humanity of Christ Reject idea that God can be born or die Council of Ephesus 431 CE o Monophysites emphasize divine nature of Christ Human nature dissolved into divine nature Council of Chalcedon 451 CE Consequences of Religious Controversies Council of Chalcedon 451 CE inseparable Religious split Nestorian Christians move to Persia o Socially ostracized denied positions of power Monophysites strong in Syria Egypt Emperors alternate between reconciling and persecuting o Decision Divinity and humanity are unconfused immutable indivisible and Justinian 527 565 o Predecessor had persecuted Monophysites o Thedora d 548 o Low born o Performed as an actress which was looked down upon as it was selling your body o Had a string of lovers o Procopius Secret Histories Shat on Thedora and Justinian o Nika Revolt o Hippodrome place where its fought o Factions demes Blue orthodox upperclass Green monophysite lower class Alliance against Justinian Rioted for 5 days had a plan for what came after once they won o Thedora The purple is a fair winding sheet Talked Justinian out of fleeing and instead got him to fight back Once you wear the purple robes you stay in them forever even if it means you die in them o Rebels were massacred o Rebuilds Hagia Sophia Justinian s Law Codes o Oversaw complation of Roman Law o Codex Justinianus laws and constitutions o Digest writings of jurists o Index summary for teaching o Immediate influence in east rediscovered in West in 11th century Justinian s Wars o Reconquest of the West o Bellisarius o Exarchate of Ravenna o War with Persia o Main rival in the East for control of Mediterean o Chosroes I o Peace required large tribute to Persians o Slavic Tribes Justinian did this a lot if he couldn t defeat them he d buy their peace o Persistent conflict persistent defense of Constantinople After Justinian o Renewed fighting with Persians after his death o Loss of Balkan Peninsula to Bulgars and Avars o Empire remains strong in Anatolian Peninsula modern day Turkey o Strong exercise of influence in the East Islam submission o Arabic is Semitic o Muslim One who has submitted Expansion in 7th and 8th century Mohammad o Founder o Mecca early 7th century o 610 religious experience o From Quraysh tribe Controlled shrine called ka ba Hanifs Khadiya o Monotheistic view o Shared views with Judaism o Mohammad possibly a follower o Mohammad s wife o Prominent merchant o Many years older than Mohammad 10 15 Worked for her o His first convert encouraged him to share his ideas Jibril o Gabriel o Told him to read Mohammad was illiterate this was the miracle Posed a challenge to polytheistic society threatened economic practices Fled 662 Mecca Medina o Hejirah Establishment of Islamic government in Medina o Unifying force for warring tribes War with mecca and conquest of Arabia 630 Mohammad dies in 632 Compliation of revelations into Qur an in 7th century o Considered the direct word of god transmitted through his prophet Important Ideas of Islam o Strict monotheism o Mohammad as seal of the prophets o Heritage of Jewish and Christian prophets o Mohammad last profit god will send o Abraham Moses Jesus Differences with these interpretations o Qur an as direct word of God final revelation o Other authoritative works Hadith stories about Mohammad s life o Line of transmission designated in the text Five Pillars o Shahada Confession of faith o Salat daily prayers o Dawn noon mid day sunset dark o Haji Pilgrimage to Mecca in 12th month o For all Muslims who can afford it o Brings together Muslims from various lands o Mecca site where Abraham almost sacrificed his son Abraham very important o Zakat Almsgiving to the poor ca 2 5 of income o Fasting during Ramadan 9th month o From sunup to sundown o Shahada confession of faith Muslim Society and Authority o Ummah community of Muslims o Establishment of Caliphate o Caliph successor to Mohammad o Conflict over authority o Abu Bakr 632 634 declared caliph Some support Ali cousin of Mohammad Abu Bakr consolidates authority Ruling Non Muslims o Muslim rulers lead majority Christian population in early centuries o General toleration of other monotheistic faiths Jizya tax because they don t pay Zakat Prohibited from seeking converts or preventing conversion to Islam o Pact of Umar 7th or 9th century How non Muslims in Muslim controlled territories should be treated Conflict Over Authority o Uthman 644 656 vs Ali o Accused of favoring Umayyed family assassinated Ali elected caliph o Ali 656 661 o Party of Ali Shi at Ali vs Party of Uthman o Ali assassinated Sons Hasan and Husayn Shi I believe that authority should remain in Mohammad s family Umayyad Dynasty o Pact between Hasan and Umayyads o Capital in Damascus o Outside of Arabia ancient urban center o Uprising of Ali s son Husayn o Assassinated at Karbala 680 o Aftermath of assassination weakens Umayyads o Falls to Abbasids in the East o Ummayyad dynasty in Spain til 11th century Sunnis Shi ite o Vast majority are Sunni o Caliphate not restricted to descendants of Mohammad o Caliphs do not have special religious understanding o Reject religious images saints shrines o Divided into 4 legal schools o Differences in acceptance of independent reasoning in interpreting law o Each recognizes the validity of the other schools o Minority o Authority should go to descendants of Mohammad Imams o Imams lead in both religious and secular realms o Special ability to interpret scriptures o Saints shrines images not strictly prohibited o Seven or Twelve Imams o Last the Mahdi is in occultation will return at End Times o Fatimids in Classical Era in Iran and Iraw in

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LSU HIST 1001 - Successors of the Eastern Roman Empire

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