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MAN4301 Human Resources Management Exam 1 Summer 2015 Study Hints Instructions The exam consists of 25 multiple choice questions and it is worth 50 points Choose the best response for each question Chapter 1 Human Capital the stock of knowledge habits social and personality attributes including creativity embodied in the ability to perform labor so as to produce economic value an organization s employees described in terms of their Role of HRM in an organization HRM Functions The human resources management team suggests to the management team how to strategically manage people as business resources This includes managing recruiting and hiring employees coordinating employee benefits and suggesting employee training and development strategies o training o experience o judgment o intelligence o relationships o insight o motivation o effort behavior of human capital is affected by Analysis and design of work Recruitment and selection Training and development Performance management Compensation and benefits Employee relations Personnel policies Employee data and information systems Compliance with laws Support for strategy Which HR functions are primarily concerned with 1 ensuring employees are capable of doing their current job and 2 ensuring that employees are satisfied with their rewards A 1 Development 2 Employee Relations B 1 Training C 1 Selection D 1 Training Answer D 2 Legal Compliance 2 Pay Benefits 2 Pay Benefits Individuals who are actively seeking employment Number and kinds of people in external labor market determine kinds of human resources available to an Employers are becoming more supportive for hiring non US citizens often for cheaper labor either domestically or abroad o Outsourcing the practice of having another company such as a vendor third party provider or Chapter 2 External labor market organization Employer support for hiring non U S citizens consultant provide services Future health care expense trends Organizations struggle to control rising costs of health care and benefits Rising costs of benefits especially health insurance have demanded creativity in planning compensation packages Ensuring that knowledge workers will share information and store it so that it is easily retrieved by others is the concern of which of the following HR activities A Turnover B Employee Empowerment C Knowledge Management D Employee Selection Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Responsible for enforcing most of EEO laws o Investigates and resolves complaints about discrimination o Gathers information o Issues guidelines o Monitors organizations hiring practices Complaints must be filed within 180 days of incident EEOC has 60 days to investigate complaint Answer C Chapter 3 EEOC Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Protects individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against in the workplace Prohibits discrimination based on disability in all employment practices Employers must take steps to accommodate individuals covered by the act ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability in all employment practices The ADA defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities a record of having such an impairment or being regarded as having such an impairment For example an employer may not refuse to hire a woman because she is pregnant Decisions about work absences or accommodations must be based on the same policies as the organization uses for other disabilities Equal Pay Act of 1963 Equal Pay Act of 1963 requires equal pay for men and women who are doing work that is equal in terms of skill effort responsibility and working conditions Under the Equal Pay Act of 1963 pay differences are allowed if they result from differences in seniority merit quality or quantity of production or any factor other than gender such as work shift differentials However the act allows for reasons why men and women performing the same job might be paid differently If the pay differences result from differences in seniority merit quantity or quality of pro duction or any factor other than sex such as participating in a training program or working the night shift then the differences are legal Utilization Analysis Utilization analysis is a statistical analysis of affirmative action equal opportunity data of employers which is used as a tool for assessing the available workforce for given areas of a state This analysis also can be helpful in identifying and comparing the demographics of the available workforce in the various occupational categories The main goal of this process is to ensure equal access and equal opportunities for all workers Four Fifths Rule o Rule of thumb that finds evidence of discrimination if an organization s hiring rate for a minority group is less than four fifths the hiring rate for the majority group o Compares rates of hiring not numbers of employees hired A condition in which employment practices are seemingly neutral yet disproportionately exclude a protected group from employment opportunities Disparate impact True A False B During an interview it is legal to ask only women if they have child care needs Hiring only men to model male underwear is legal If a company unintentionally hires a disproportionate number of non minorities they can be held liable for discrimination Organizations can screen candidates using a test that reliably predicts on the job performance Answer False True True True A male manager frequently engages in sexual activity with selected female subordinates Other women in this work environment who are not involved with the manager complain of sexual harassment due to favoritism Do they have a case A No because they were not directly discriminated against B No because the contact was consensual C Yes because the manager is making others feel uncomfortable D Yes because any consensual relationship in the workplace among employees is prohibited Answer C Chapter 4 Job Evaluation Self managing Teams Included under the job analysis umbrella A job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organization It tries to make a systematic comparison between jobs to assess their relative worth for the purpose of establishing a rational pay structure Have authority for an entire work process or segment Team members motivated by autonomy skill variety and task identity Instead of merely enriching individual jobs some organizations

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