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CTE3835 Final Exam Review Nothing from Macy s lab PowerPoint will be on exam Everything from midterm down is on exam except the week of April 8 and chapters 26 27 I have highlighted the notes she specifically pointed out for the exam in yellow Practice the questions asked on TopHat Week 7 Store Exteriors Visual Merchandising Display Chapter 6 Studies indicate a retailer has roughly 7 seconds to capture the attention of a passing customer Store Exteriors the face or exterior of the building o Fenestration o Fa ade o Signs Materials used placement upkeep Important in making the first impression o Marquees Architectural canopies Permanent awnings Start of a storewide display o Banners Outdoor fabric banners are inexpensive and expandable Colorful eye catching eye filling devices Different uses The display should not only attract and excite it should also reinforce an idea and present dimensionality Other Elements o Planters Awnings Flower boxes and plants outside a store add to the general ambiance of the store Dramatize window presentation by adding depth to the setting o Outdoor lighting can be used for multiple reasons o Supply shelter during inclement weather o Make viewing a display more pleasant during the heat of the day o Cut down on the glare and reflection in windows Windows in Storefront Design four types straight front angled front corner window arcade front o Straight front Run parallel to the street Entrance location Closed back open back or elevated If you have several windows along a straight front it s called a bank of windows o Angled Front shoppers Much like straight front but monotony is broken by angles away from the sidewalk Entrance is recessed from the street Display windows lead back from the street to the entrance creating an aisle for the By angling the windows the display space can be elongated and visuals can be seen more in angles and gives more exposure to the viewer o Arcade Front Series of windows on either side of the entrance wall which is set back from the street Increases size of display because of doors being set back If you have limited frontage you will benefit from this o Corner Window Faces two streets that are perpendicular Double exposure Open or closed back Distractions No visible barrier between the shopper on the mall aisle and the store unless there Mall Storefronts 3 types o Open Fa ade is a change of flooring material Security gates No display windows where to display Lease lines o Glass Fa ade Display windows to one or either side of the glass doors that are usually open during business hours Open back or closed back Glass panels extend from floor to ceiling Mannequins often stand on the floor eye to eye with the shoppers or are elevated on platforms or risers o Closed Fa ade Windows are completely blocked off and only the entrance is visible Appeals to teens and tweens as well as to upscale boutique shoppers Suggests something special or a sense of belonging Week 8 Store Interiors Visual Merchandising Display Chapter 8 The store itself makes the most significant and lasting impression Objective of good store design o Create a relaxing comfortable place for customers to shop Selling Space vs Non Selling Space o Space productivity Merchandise Displays o Part of the store interior o Generate 1 out of 4 sales Interior display locations o Enable customers to make a selection without a sales associate o Use fixtures and props to show merchandise o Add props for decorative purposes o Who decides what merchandise goes into the display in a department store buyer buys the merchandise advertising decides what ads to be placed and then it trickles down to the stores it comes from corporate o Inside store entrances o Entrances to departments o Intersections o Focal walls o Near cash wraps o By escalators o If you walk into a store and there s walls you can see in your peripheral right when you walk in priority wall important wall want to make a big visual display or put important merchandise on it Errors commonly made in displays o Too much or too little merchandise o Lack of an underlying theme o Too much signage o Confusing traffic patterns o Poorly selected props o Too many props o Disconnection between exterior windows and interior store displays o Displays changed too seldom o Limited time and budget o Lack of attention to detail o Mistakes in applying the principles and elements of design placed to attract the shopper Traffic patterns Store layouts o Island Displays A featured display space viewable from all sides Locations Lighting o Risers and Platforms Types of Interior Displays o Focal Points A generic term that refers to any place in the retail setting where emphasis has been A rise a platform or a display figure set off the aisle or in a department and spotlighted from above will also serve to identify an area and promote a particular piece of merchandise A long runway platform becomes the focal display element inside the store when window display space is unable to accommodate a real presentation o A counter is a major area for merchandise presentation and is truly the point of purchase o Horizontal board or panel often found 6 to 7 feet off the ground o The Runway Counters and Display Cases Fascia o Used to conceal lights and as a background o Border around the top of the department they use for signing and that conceals lighting 100 Percent Traffic Areas o Locations throughout the store that get very heavy traffic areas around elevators escalators and major staircases o Quick impulse shopping low priced easy to sell merchandise is promoted Week 8 Types of Displays Visual Merchandising Display Chapter 5 Retail Theater o Presenting merchandise in the confines of a traditional store display window is a tightly controlled exercise in retail theater production o By controlling every element they use lighting props color texture scale mannequins forms signing and theme visual merchandisers also control communication o Store windows have the potential to create magic From an animated holiday scene t merchandise inventively displayed in lively vignettes window displays can entertain educate and stimulate demand Selecting a theme for the window is all about telling a story Types of displays one item display line of goods display related merchandise display variety or assortment display o One Item Display Showing and advancement of a single garment or any single item There s one item that s displayed and focused on o Line of Goods

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