John Camp What does it take to be successful The number one thing you have to do is be able to market yourself You have to be able to sell yourself You have to know people Need to be able to manage relationships maintain contact What are the elements that you need in order to be successful Exam question one Market yourself Sell yourself You must know Know people Maintain relationships What are the traits that you have to have Test question number two Personal Brand Test question number three Being able to sell yourself to others Not necessarily what you put on social media but it Likeability is the emotional impact you have on somebody The ability to get people to look at you listen to you and get them to do what you want to do Test question 4 38 of your emotional impact is based on your vocal delivery Killer 1 is being boring You have to seem like you care You have to make that person believe that you really want this 55 of the most impact you have is visual facial expression default look image is created within 1 24 of a second thin slice people don t read hearts gotta figure out what your default look is 7 verbal arrangement of message Creative Aggressive Enthusiastic Smart Honest can be that To be likeable 1 22 15 1 27 14 personal branding p1 p2 t p1 performance the more successful you are the more people listen to you p2 personality v visibility t trust when trust is violated it s hard to gain it back 3 types of presenters executives in the movie industry show runner minority that person that can persuade people they are awe inspiring extremely powerful and influential neophyte average everyday person they re okay but not amazing artists are the people who have that bizarre look wsj fortune 500 survey interpersonal communication skills teamwork the ability to work with others and contribute to the group honesty core competency area of expertise credibility impacts your personal brand if your credibility is strong people will listen to you more credibility is what makes you believable trust honesty knowledge expert status position success 1 29 15 jarvis green 4 mkt mgt philosophies production orientation all they do is produce items sales orientation when a company puts together a group of skilled individuals to sell the product marketing orientation satisfying a customer s needs or wants and providing them with a product customer satisfaction societal orientation is a marketing orientation while keeping our society and our environment safe toms get a pair get a pair patigonia making sweatshirt from used tires 2 3 15 Super bowl advertising targeted at children and women Brand Nationwide the child was dead at the end of the commercial If you see it depends as a test question that s always the best answer 3 critical marketing concepts creation of customer value show that customer whoever it is that the product you re buying is worth what you re spending cv benefits cost customer satisfaction customer service important because if customers aren t happy they ll tell their friends or post it on a social media 77 of people who have a bad experience as a customer will tell at least one person when you re telling about your experience you tend to embellish your story 7 of people who have a bad experience will tell the service provider 63 of customers are more likely to change a purchase behavior based on the indifference of one person mystery shopper is somebody who is hired by a company that comes in and poses as a customer to learn more about the environment and service Delta airlines apology is more important than a discount united airlines wouldn t fix man s 150 guitar so he wrote a song and put it on youtube failure recovery or service failure if something is wrong 2 dissatisfied customers angry customer they come they yell they re rude silent just come in and nod their head but when they leave they ll rip you to shreds Why good customer service referrals they re phenomenal less selling effort premium pricing Customers sometimes switch businesses 1 Poor service failure 2 Service encounter failure the person you engaged with offended you or did something to make you leave 3 Price sensitive if you re too cheap or too expensive people will go elsewhere 4 5 Attraction from competition Inconvenience more than just location 2 10 15 3 mkt concepts 1 cv 2 cs e s c s c l profit comes full circle service profit chain with employee satisfaction comes good customer service with good customer service comes good customer satisfaction 3 moment of truth when something goes wrong someone needs to step in and try to salvage what happened 4 developing long term relationships relationships personal media relations if someone is gonna write a story about you or put it on tv you have to take it seriously because it has an extremely large impact on your career honey badger made a mistake listened to karam and made the changes he needed to make he apologized and he eventually made it to new york for a possibility at receiving the heisman trophy he dropped his guard and gave one bad interview to one little guy from espn and two days before he was dismissed from the team this little guy wrote the most negative article about him and just like that it was all over community relations nfl supports breast cancer for the month of october the marketing strategy framework level number one market analysis company customer demographics age competition conditions factors that change in the external environment social factors after 9 11 people that wanted to fly first class needed to be able to bring their luggage on the plane and not have to check their luggage so samsonite responded with a new luggage design that fit perfectly though the scanner lifestyles the factors that make up activities interests and opinions technology can t ignore technology economics legal political pepsi cola ran an ad with a black family and ended up capture a new population rather than going bankrupt level number two strategy development segmentation criteria identifiable accessible responsive sustainable most important target mass market multi segmented target positioning attributes benefits communication of value motel 6 motel 6 learned that affiliation mattered they also had to reposition they had to find a personality third phase implementation marketing mix product i focus group put together 6 or 7 people in a room and ask them questions and try to figure out what s right and what s wrong 1 4 categories a convenience quick easy
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