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Study guide CLA 2010 Final exam Livius Andronicus Ancient roman poet and dramatist he translated greek words into Latin including the Odyssey Plautus was a Roman playwright of the Old Latin peroid He wrote old Greek comedy T Quinctius Flamininus was a roman politician and general instrumental in the Roman conquest of Greece Was elected Counsul and L Mummius was a Roman statesman and general He later received the agnomen Achaicus after conquering the Achaean League and bringing all of Greece under Roman control Atticus Atticus friend and correspondent of Cicero spent much of his natural life in the city of Athens partly to escape civil war at home He was very good at speaking Greek He spoke Greek so well that he might have been born at Athens while there was such agreeableness in his Latin style as to make it evident that the graces of it were natural Eleusinian Mysteries were initiation ceremonies held every year for the cult of Demeter and Persephone in ancient Greece Polybius Polybius comes to Rome as a hostage in 167 befriends Scipio Aemilianus writes the first extant history of Rome by a Greek author Manetho Egyptian priest writing in 3rd century BCE lists 30 dynasties of pharaohs Alexander the Great After defeating Darius III at Issos 333 conquering Syria in 332 Alexander invades Egypt 331 Founds city of Alexandria by Egypt At Oracle of Siwa Egyptian priest declares him the son of Zeus Ammon Zeus Ammon is the father of Gods and men he is the god of sky and thunder Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemy I Soter seeks to integrate Greek and Egyptian religion in the cult of Serapis Alexandria Alexandria is a port city on the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt founded in 331 BCE by Alexander the Great After conquering Syria in 332 BCE Alexander the Great swept down into Egypt with his army He founded Alexandria in the small port town of Rhakotis by the sea and set about the task of turning it into a great capital It is said that he designed the plan for the city which was so greatly admired later by the historian Strabo Serapis Serapis is the Osiris Apis the resurrected Apis bull Isis popular goddess of Egypt Isis was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as the patroness of nature and magic Cleopatra Queen of Egypt love of Antony Antony and Cleopatra commit suicide in Egypt after loss at the Battle of Actium Pyramid of Cestius Ancient pyramid in Rome built as a tomb for Gaius Cestius for religion Herod Roman client king of Judea and called his kingdom the Herodian kingdom He was known to be a madman who was known as the greatest builder in Jewish history expanded the second temple religio licita to describe the special status of Judaism under Roman Imperial rule It is not an official term in Roman law 4 Caesarea Maritima Roman city and harbour in the empire built by Herod the great located in Israel Pontius Pilate was a a prefect of Judeae appointed by Tiberius he was a weak governor he was indesicive outside the gospels he is attested by Philo Josephus and other sources pilate stone Pilate Stone is the name given to a damaged block 82 cm x 65 cm of carved limestone with a partially intact inscription attributed to and mentioning Pontius Pilate a builing in honor of tiberious of a god Chrestus Cladius expelled the Jews and the Jews followed Chrestus Oath of Assos They are swearing to the gods to be loyal and have good will to Caligula They hear that there is people running around saying there s another person named jesus who is calling himself the king God fearers Christianity quickly attracts attention of Gentile God fearers which were the non jews learning the basics of Christianity Paul seeks to accomdodate Christian practice to them Junia the apostle women play an important role in the early church Justin s First Apology Justin s trying make Christianity seem more rationable His attempt to say its not that crazy the teachings are very similar to the greeks but you only hate us because the name of Christ Christians should not be prosequted just because they are Christians House church the first churches of Rome in the homes of Christians Constantine was the first Roman Emperor to eventually convert to Christianity Emperor Constantine I is often credited with converting the Roman Empire to Christianity In fact though he ended the persecution of Christians and eventually converted Battle of the Milvian Bridge 312 Constantine sees Christian omen of victory beats Maxentius Edict of Milan 313 constantine and licinius proclaim toleration of all religion He allows Christian churches to be known as legal places of the roman empire tables are starting to turn they have power now can own land and stuff

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