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ISDS 2000 SAMPLE TEST 1 1 2 The process of using sample statistics to draw conclusions about the population parameters is called a statistical reference b scientific method c sampling d e descriptive statistics none of the above A summary measure that is computed to describe a characteristic of a sample taken from a population is called c d a statistic the scientific method 3 Which of the following is an element of descriptive statistical a a parameter b a census problems a calculating a sample mean b estimating a population parameter c all of the above are correct d b and c are correct 4 Viewership studies using a sample of television households indicate that the share of the audience for the Channel 9 News has increased by 12 since the new anchor was added to the 10 00 P M news team This is an example of a b c descriptive statistics qualitative research inferential statistics d e sampling none of the above 5 You are reviewing your portfolio and note the amount of interest earned for each of the stocks in which you have invested The type of variable most appropriate to their measurements is a b categorical ordinal numeric discrete c d numeric continuous numeric ratio 6 You respond to a survey question Where do you get your Revised 02 14 daily news The variable representing this question is a b c categorical ordinal numeric discrete numeric interval d e numeric continuous categorical nominal 7 When constructing a frequency distribution which of the following statements is true a The class midpoint is the number of observations that fall within that class b There should always be at least 10 classes c The classes do not overlap d e all of the above statements are true none of the above statements is true 8 The Department of Transportation estimates that there is an average of 20 accidents per day This is an example of a b c a sample a population descriptive statistics 9 In a symmetric distribution d e statistical inference none of the above a b c the mean is less than the median the mean is greater than the median the mean is equal to the median 10 For a set of data the mean is 40 and the standard deviation is 10 Suppose one of the observations has a value of 65 What is the standardized z score for this observation a 2 5 b 6 5 c 6 5 d 2 5 e none of the above Revised 02 14 11 The following image was taken from poll results of data collected in Lousiana by Ed Renwick New Orleans December 2002 and reported in a January 2003 issue of The Advocate Which of the following statements is true a b c d e The variable measuring opinions on Bush s handling of Al Qaida is quantitative This information could also be presented as a histogram 67 is an example of a sample statistic Concluding that 67 of Louisiana approves of Bush s handling of Al Qaida is an example of descriptive statistics None of the above statements is true Health care issues are receiving much attention A survey was taken on citizens over 60 years of age to determine their opinions and their ages were recorded Use the following age data to answer questions 12 22 6 7 8 9 01234555689 0334566 112679 02 12 The average age of these citizens is a b 73 58 73 c d 65 74 37 e none of the above 13 The median age of these citizens is Revised 02 14 14 The mode of the age of these citizens is 15 The range of the age of these citizens is c d c d c d c d c d 74 71 68 65 15 28 96 01 9 80 96 01 9 80 e e e e e none of the above none of the above none of the above none of the above none of the above 16 The sample variance of the age of these citizens is 17 The sample standard deviation is 70 73 73 70 32 30 92 32 9 61 92 32 9 61 a b a b a b a b a b a b 18 The sample appears to have a distribution that is left skewed right skewed c symmetric 19 Suppose you were to construct a frequency distribution representing the sample of ages For six classes the best value of width is a b 2 6 c d 5 10 e none of the above 20 For a width of 5 if the first class has a lower limit of 60 Revised 02 14 how many senior citizens would be classified into the second class 3 6 c d e none of the above 21 These data would best be represented by a pie chart histogram bar graph data array 5 10 c d a b a b 22 Suppose after reviewing the data it was determined that the age 89 was keyed incorrectly and that the age should have been 98 Once the data are corrected which of the following values would change a b mode range c d median minimum Using the following excerpt from data collected on ISDS 2000 Spring 2009 students answer questions 23 24 GENDER CLASSIF CREDIT HOURS AGE 19 20 19 19 19 20 19 19 F F F M M M F F JR JR SO SO SO SO SO SR INTERNET USAGE VERY OFTEN VERY OFTEN SOMEWHAT OFTEN VERY OFTEN VERY OFTEN VERY OFTEN VERY OFTEN VERY OFTEN 20 5 17 0 0 HRS WORK GPA 3 23 3 41 2 85 3 98 3 67 3 29 3 36 2 92 20 25 15 5 20 0 12 75 14 25 68 61 67 30 42 56 54 68 23 A stem and leaf display for Credit Hours shows the data are 24 Which of the following is ordinal a left skewed b right skewed a b c Gender GPA Classification c symmetric d e Credit Hours Hours Worked Revised 02 14 Use the following data to answer questions 25 27 25 How many students have completed at least 75 hours 26 What proportion of students have completed less than 45 27 11 hours 0 49 0 39 c d c d 321 64 e 385 0 61 0 51 e none of the above 27 Which of the following is true There is only one outlier The median is greater than the mean The largest outlier represents 149 credit hours All of the above statements are true None of the above statements are true a b a b a b c d e Revised 02 14 28 Suppose IQ has a bell shaped distribution with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15 What percentage of people have IQ scores greater than 130 a b 5 2 5 c d 95 68 e none of the above 29 The highest point of a normal curve occurs at one standard deviation to the right of the mean two standard deviations to the right of the …

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