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Date October 8 2014 CCR SPED 3670 003 Class American Sign Language I Instructor Sandra Lewinski Unit four in SN Use Live to say where you are currently living Live two ways to say Oregon Cincinnati C bounce on head Akron sign for rubber Dayton Detriot Defiance d circled Cleveland C from passive shoulder to dominant Chicago C in seven motion Columbus C shake back and forth Ohio O in seven motion Texas x shape in seven motion California New York Washington Alaska Color Arizona Colorado color fingerspell ado Mexico like sombero hands in v shape and go out Indiana I then LL comes to spell I love you Hawaii H that circles the face also can be used for handsome or pretend you are hula Alabama L shape on nose and wiggles forefinger St Louis s shape then L shape in arc motion Boston b shape that bounces up and down Atlanta Cananda Baltimore beach New Orleans hand out then fist circle bottom of that hand New Jersey n shape with J out and then wiggle back and forth Montana sign for bacon but with two hands Pittsburg thumb and forefinger together move downward near armpit Toledo hand is in t shape in move in z motion Rossford r then at end of f motion turns into f Come to class how Perrysburg House Train Walking Motorcycle Ride in Bicycle Airplane Boat Horse Deer Cow Donkey Helicopter Red Blue Yellow Gold Peach Dark Light Bright Purple Orange Black White Brown gray Green Pink Jewish Israel Silver another sign for it is glitter Event whats up Home o shape from mouth to ear apt apartment Dorm d shape from mouth to ear Bowling Green BG Africa opens and closes Maumee m shape in circle Monrow m shape in seven motion Sylvania S shape on nose Swanton and Holland fingerspelled Detroit Ann Arbor East e to your right West w to your left North n up South s down Whitehouse Waterville Findlay flick f Northwood did sign for north then spelled wood

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UT SPED 3670 - American Sign Language I

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