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Mini Study Guide for the week of 11 9 The Western Tradition continued Europe s Economic Dilemma Dependent on Islamic Middlemen Lack of Resources Balance of Payments Issue All of these lead to Europe s age of exploration Vasco de Gama s Voyage Portuguese 1498 1st Voyage Makes it to India but has nothing worth trading 1502 2nd Voyage Returns to India and makes them an offer they can t refuse Trade routes are secrets that societies do not share with each other The Rise of Europe Domestic Developments o Constant Warfare builds strong states o More interest in technology and innovation Foreign Developments o Decline of regional competitors o New connections with China Trade and Contacts The emergence of new world travelers Ibn Battuta Travels by water Leaves home because of the Hajj Travels from Morocco to India then to China Publishes about his travels Marco Polo Travels by land Travels from Venice to China along the Silk Road Returns to Europe and publishes about his travels Polo is used to seeing cultures other than his own Europe is diverse Europe is not a superpower and Polo knows that they have a lot to learn from other societies Comparisons Battuta and Polo People are curious about the world both books sold worldwide Travel is easier by the 14th century o Silk Road protected by Mongols o Technology is better Polo is more receptive to foreign cultures Why was Polo more receptive than Battuta The emergence of new trade routes Trade Routes India and China are central Europe is on the periphery Islamic Middlemen carry the goods to different places Important Merchants had business and diplomatic roles o Jacques Coeur Results of World Trade Increased Production Consumer dependence Increases Self sufficiency Commercialism Cultural Contacts Technological Diffusion most important Moving from regional economies to global economies

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KSU HIST 11050 - The Western Tradition

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