ART 1001 ART 1001 Introduction to Introduction to Fine Arts Fine Arts Professor Darius A Spieth Professor Darius A Spieth Art History Program Art History Program LSU School of Art LSU School of Art Lecture 16 Lecture 16 Napoleon Bonaparte and the Empire Napoleon Bonaparte and the Empire Period Period Neoclassicism vs Romanticism Neoclassicism vs Romanticism France GB Germany France GB Germany Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte Changed the course of modern history Changed the course of modern history profoundly with repercussions deep into the profoundly with repercussions deep into the 2020thth century century General who gained prominence during the General who gained prominence during the French Revolution 1789 French Revolution 1789 Commander in chief of the French armies in Commander in chief of the French armies in Italy 1796 Italy 1796 Sent by Directory government to conquer Egypt Sent by Directory government to conquer Egypt Egyptian Campaign 1798 1799 disaster Egyptian Campaign 1798 1799 disaster French fleet destroyed before Aboukir by GB French fleet destroyed before Aboukir by GB navy native resistance plague navy native resistance plague Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon Bonaparte Overthrows Directory government in 1799 becomes Overthrows Directory government in 1799 becomes the head of government beginning of Consulate the head of government beginning of Consulate period 1799 1804 sells LA to U S period 1799 1804 sells LA to U S Crowns himself Emperor of the French in 1804 Emperor of the French in 1804 Crowns himself beginning of the beginning of the Empire period 1804 1814 Empire period 1804 1814 Conquers most of Europe with the exception of Great Conquers most of Europe with the exception of Great Britain during these ten years Britain during these ten years Russian campaign from 1812 ends in disaster Russian campaign from 1812 ends in disaster Defeated in 1814 exiled to Mediterranean island of Defeated in 1814 exiled to Mediterranean island of ElbaElba Returns to France for 100 days cent jours Returns to France for 100 days defeat Waterloo defeat Waterloo Second exile to South Atlantic island of St Helene Second exile to South Atlantic island of St Helene where he died some years later where he died some years later cent jours in 1815 in 1815 Culture Culture Napoleon s Impact on s Impact on Napoleon Western Civilization and Western Civilization and Code civil Code civil Standardization of measures Standardization of measures Merit and skill not social origins matter for Merit and skill not social origins matter for promotion and social advancement promotion and social advancement Reconciliation with Vatican Concordat after the after the Reconciliation with Vatican Concordat Revolution Revolution Rise of national awareness in countries throughout Rise of national awareness in countries throughout Europe ultimate cause of WWI WWII Europe ultimate cause of WWI WWII Militarization of European societies preference for Militarization of European societies preference for military subjects in art military subjects in art rule over the arts discovery of discovery of art as a Despotic rule over the arts Despotic art as a propaganda tool to influence public opinion tool to influence public opinion propaganda Art to be morally uplifting to inspire noble feelings Art to be morally uplifting to inspire noble feelings like patriotism self sacrifice like patriotism self sacrifice Summary Time Line Summary Time Line Directory Period 1795 1799 Directory Period 1795 1799 Consulate Period 1799 1804 Consulate Period 1799 1804 Empire 1804 1814 Empire 1804 1814 First Restoration of the Bourbon Restoration of the Bourbon First rule 1814 1815 1814 1815 rule 100 Days of Napoleon from Elba 1815 from Elba 1815 Second Restoration of the Bourbon Restoration of the Bourbon rule 1815 1830 another revolution another revolution rule 1815 1830 of Napoleon s Return s Return 100 Days Second David under Napoleon s s David under Napoleon RuleRule Jacques Louis David Jacques Louis David Napoleon at the Saint Napoleon at the Saint Bernard Pass 1800 1800 Bernard Pass oil oil o canvas o canvas David David painter to painter to First Consul later First Consul later Emperor Napoleon Emperor Napoleon Saint Bernard Pass Saint Bernard Pass connecting France connecting France to Italy to Italy David under Napoleon s s David under Napoleon RuleRule Reference s Napoleon s Napoleon ss Reference success at turning matters success at turning matters around in Italy in 1796 around in Italy in 1796 Previously French Previously French soldiers lacked everything soldiers lacked everything food clothing even shoes food clothing even shoes Now even money is send Now even money is send back to France back to France Heroic pose on rearing horse Heroic pose on rearing horse idea of leadership idea of leadership Ground inscribed with names Ground inscribed with names of of other great military leaders who other great military leaders who famously crossed the Alps famously crossed the Alps Hannibal Hannibal Charlemagne Charlemagne David under Napoleon s s David under Napoleon RuleRule Jacques Louis David The The Jacques Louis David Coronation of Napoleon Coronation of Napoleon 1805 1808 oil o canvas 1805 1808 oil o canvas Scene from the Scene from the ceremonies of 1804 ceremonies of 1804 when Napoleon crowned Napoleon crowned when himself emperor himself emperor David selected the David selected the moment moment after Napoleon crowned after Napoleon crowned himself and is making his himself and is making his wife Josephine Empress wife Josephine Empress David under Napoleon s s David under Napoleon RuleRule Setting Notre Dame Setting Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Cathedral in Paris Political audacity of Political audacity of self coronation self coronation Kidnapped the pope Kidnapped the pope to attend ceremony as a to attend ceremony as a silent witness humiliation silent witness humiliation In attendance In attendance Napoleon s s Napoleon and Josephine s family s family and Josephine Marshals Napoleon s s Marshals Napoleon shadow cabinet of shadow cabinet of and military leaders and military leaders generals generals Map of the Campaigns in Map of the Campaigns in Egypt and the Holy Land Egypt and the Holy Land 1798 1801 1798 1801 Map of the Campaigns in Map of the Campaigns in Egypt and the Holy Land Egypt and the Holy Land 1798 1799 1798 1799 Gros Gros The The Transition to Transition to Romanticism Romanticism During
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