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Cellular Slime Molds Protists Terrestrial heterotrophs Growing on dead organic matter heterotroph No obvious mouth osmotroph Highly mobile to find food sources Model organism used in labs for experiments o Evolution of multicellularity Also differentiation of role in organisms what functions do they serve o Evolution of sociality acting as a unit through a common focus Slime Mold Behavior November 9 2014 http zool33 uni graz at schmickl Self organization Group behavior Slime mold behavior slime mold behavior html Description of picture above This picture will also be posted on Blackboard Cellular slime molds start as amoeba spores then they aggregate or come together and form the slug stage which moves looking for places to reproduce The spores then differentiate into a spore producing structure where each spore begins to take on a different function some form the anchor flat bottom some form the stalk and most move to the top of the structure that will eventually spread the spores Video https www youtube com watch v 5h8WOWEqP6o Shows the cycle of a cellular slime mold Amoeboid Protists Rhizopoda Unicellular heterotrophs Mobile mode of movement is use of pseudopodia false feet o Not limited like limbs o Used for movement and feeding Video https www youtube com watch v S9QGJ3JN8Kw Video https www youtube com watch v 7pR7TNzJ pA Both videos show examples of pseudopodia Phagocytosis foraging mode Chemical signatures or movement notify for food Video https www youtube com watch v pvOz4V699gk Video https www youtube com watch v 1cuaS2QKobA Both videos show amoeba using pseudopodia to facilitate phagocytosis Enzymes are used once the food is taken in to break down the food and then the products are released into the cytoplasm Garbage stays in food vacuole and is later dumped out Do we feed by phagocytosis Yes An example of pathogenic amoeba Naegleria fowleri can be found in hot water power plants Shelled Amoebas Radiolarians Actinopodia Amoeboid body encased in a silica calcium based shell secreted by protist Marine heterotrophs eat prokaryotes and protists Fossilize well o Used to reconstruct climate H2O quality o Use these organisms to see what the world was like a long time ago Example The Cliffs of Dover Many diatoms forams radiolarians can be found in the rocks Move and phagocytize by moving pseudopodia through the holes in the shell Ciliates Alveolata Fig 29 17 Recently evolved Very complex unicellular protists Divide physiological and cellular processes across different organelles Use cilia for locomotion small hair like structures along cell membrane Heterotroph and symbiotic relationships Strictly aquatic o Micronucleus and macronucleus one used for homeostasis and the other for Subdivision reproduction Gullet oral groove which create currents o Lined with cilia which create currents to draw in small food particles then food vacuole Also can have symbiotic relationships with cyanobacteria forms o Mutualist Video https www youtube com watch v a4aZE5FQ284 shows an oral groove in a paramecium Basal Protists ancestral forms Fig 29 6 and 29 7 Very simple physiologically Example Diplomonads Giardia o Giardiasis o Aquatic heterotroph o Prevent absorption of H2O nutrients in large intestine Example Parabasilids Trichomonas o Vaginitis o Found in termite guts Euglenozoa Fig 29 8 Unicellular aquatic autotrophs rely on chloroplasts specialized organelles to harvest light energy during photosynthesis Video https www youtube com watch v 4MlR3dKfXmc Euglena use whip like flagellum for locomotion Some heterotrophs Example Trypanosomes o Disease causing euglenozoa o African Sleeping Sickness o Passed through tsetse flies saliva and feces o Rivaled malaria for deadliest disease o Aventis and WHO pharmaceutical company that made a 4 drug cocktail treatment for free greatly reduced the deaths from this disease Example American Trypanosomes o Central South America o Cause Chagas disease o Attacks heart and intestines o Vector kissing bug passes on parasite through saliva and maybe feces End of Lecture

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KSU BSCI 10110 - Cellular Slime Molds

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