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RMIN 2302 RISK IN BUSINESS AND SOCIETY Spring 2015 Section 01 Tues Thurs 12 30 1 45 PM HCB 101 Instructor Dr Charles Nyce E Mail Office Hours TTh 3 00 4 00 by appointment rmi2302 business fsu edu Phone Office 850 645 8392 349 RBB Course Description This course is designed to enhance the student s understanding of risk and its implications for individuals business and society The course highlights the impact of uncertainty on decisions and the risk reward tradeoff Using scenarios and experts from a variety of disciplines students analyze the implications of risk in a variety of settings and evaluate ways to minimize the cost and maximize the reward associated with risk Course Objectives By the end of this course you should 1 have a basic understanding of risk and its importance in making decisions 2 understand how risk permeates individual organizational and governmental actions 3 recognize the importance of global perspectives in risk and its management and 4 be able to identify risks in all functional areas of organizations Required Texts in Blackboard Supplemental Readings covering current risk related events and topics available Custom Text from McGraw Hill The text is available as an e book or in print o Your can locate and purchase the e book online by following these simple steps 1 Go to http create mcgraw hill com shop 2 Search for and select book by ISBN 3 Add the book to your cart and pay using a credit card or access code ISBN 9781308337210 Title Risk in Business Society o Print copies of the above text are also available at the FSU bookstore The ISBN for print copies is 9781308163185 i clicker 2 ISBN 1429280476 available at FSU Bookstore Grading The course grade will be determined using the following grade weights Mid Term Exam I 2 16 thru 2 19 Mid Term Exam II 3 30 thru 4 2 Final Exam 4 27 thru 4 30 i clicker points Assignments and quizzes Total 25 250 pts 25 250 pts 25 250 pts 10 100 pts 15 150 pts 100 1 000 pts The baseline grading scale will be as follows 930 points and up A 840 879 9 points B 880 899 9 points B 740 779 9 points C 780 799 9 points C 680 699 9 points D 640 679 9 points D 600 points F 900 929 9 points A 800 839 9 points B 700 739 9 points C 600 639 9 points D The instructor reserves the right to curve grades if deemed appropriate First Day Attendance Policy FSU has a mandatory first day attendance policy for all classes including online courses The student who does not comply with this rule will automatically be dropped from the course In this class this policy is satisfied viewing the Tegrity lecture on the syllabus and then taking the associated first day quiz Anyone who has not taken the quiz by the end of the first day of class will be dropped from the course Exams There will be three exams two midterms during the semester and one final during finals week The final will not be comprehensive Exam material will come from the lectures texts guest speakers and any other materials on the course Blackboard site All exams are mandatory and will be conducted at the Office of Distance Learning Assessment and Testing University Center C Suite 1200 You must sign up for a time slot to take the exams There is a link in Blackboard for exam sign up IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO SIGN UP FOR AN EXAM TIME IN ADVANCE OF THE EXAM BE ON TIME FOR THE EXAM AND TAKE THE EXAM Because you have flexibility in scheduling your exam no make up exams will be given except for written medical excuses SEE THE OFFICE OF DISTANCE LEARNING WEBSITE http distance fsu edu students assessment testing student responsibilities FOR STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES See the FAQ document for more specific information on exam registration i clicker quizzes Throughout the semester I will be asking questions during class that you will have to answer using the i clicker There will be approximately 100 questions that I will ask during the semester a few questions every lecture Your score on those 100 questions will make up 10 of your final grade PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHMENT AT THE END OF THIS SYLLABUS FOR MORE DETAILS ON THE i clicker Assignments and Quizzes Homework assignments and quizzes will be given Grades will be included in the homework quiz portion of your grade homework and quiz values will be noted in each assignment Note NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS OR QUIZZES will be accepted Assignments and quizzes are to be turned in using Blackboard must be completed by the time designated on the assignment quiz Students are responsible for knowing how to access Blackboard for this class E Mail Instructor Contact Messages may be sent to the class or individual students periodically so be sure to check your university email regularly If you do not frequently use this account you can forward your email to another account Information on how to forward your email can be found at http www ucs fsu edu Extra Credit Extra Credit assignments may be given throughout the semester Typically extra credit opportunities will be offered during the class period or at specified times on Blackboard College of Business General Skills Learning Goals 1 Graduates will demonstrate the ability to think critically and manage risk and reward 2 Graduates will demonstrate the ability to use technology competently and effectively to solve global business problems in global business applications 3 Graduates will demonstrate in depth knowledge of core business functions and be able to demonstrate the ability to integrate business functions in organizations 4 Graduates will demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing individually and in teams 5 Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of and sensitivity to culture diversity and professional and ethical responsibilities in business College of Business Integrity Code The Florida State University College of Business expects all of its students faculty and staff to adhere to the highest standards of academic excellence integrity and to the norms of a serious intellectual community We pledge that As business students and professionals We understand and accept the significance of integrity in our language actions and work With Seminole pride we choose to be responsible honest trustworthy caring and fair In business and in life we choose integrity University Attendance Policy Excused absences include documented illness deaths in the family and other documented crises call to active military duty or jury duty religious holy days and official University activities These

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FSU RMI 2302 - Syllabus

Documents in this Course
Exam 1

Exam 1

27 pages



13 pages

Exam #1

Exam #1

7 pages



17 pages

Module 9

Module 9

58 pages



13 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

6 pages

Module 1

Module 1

16 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

9 pages



27 pages



35 pages

Exam #1

Exam #1

29 pages



27 pages



16 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

5 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

27 pages



13 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

27 pages

Module 6

Module 6

21 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

67 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

26 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

27 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

12 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

8 pages

Exam 1

Exam 1

27 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

31 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

41 pages



35 pages

Exam 3

Exam 3

38 pages

Exam 2

Exam 2

44 pages

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