Communication Book CH 1 Notes Communication Age age in which communication technology and media coverage deeply permeate daily life Convergence the ways in which the many forms of technologically mediated and face to face communication overlap Online activity is replacing traditional forms of meeting a mate and communication altogether The effects of convergence can be positive and negative Digital natives people for whom technologies already existed when they were born Digital immigrants people who learn to use and adopt technology later in life Mobile phones are predicted to be the primary internet connection tools Benefits of studying COMM 1 Good communication abilities are associated with physical emotional and psychological health and well being 2 Strong speaking and listening skills are associated with greater health literacy 3 Key to fulfilling your need for a satisfying identity 4 Valuable skills for employees 5 Primary influence on social and personal relationships 6 Understanding of communication promotes media literacy 7 Critical to building healthy communities 8 Foundation of democratic citizenship 9 Drives social change in reform Communication is creative Communication is Participatory Types of Communication 1 Face to face 2 Mediated 3 4 Small group Interpersonal Communication is the collaborative process of using messages to create and participate in social reality Communication was a process and is collaborative 5 Public 6 Mass The internet creates many opportunities for mass comm One of the best ways to understand any process is to use a metaphor Communication as transmission one way Transmission metaphor sender is active receiver is passive Communication as an interaction 2 way Interaction metaphor adds feedback and fields of experience Feedback is a receiver s response to a sender s message Fields of experience background all of us bring to communication Transaction metaphor back and forth communication Social construction metaphor communication influences communicators Ethics code of conduct based on respect for yourself others and your surroundings Engaging refers to the act of sharing in the activities in the group Connecting refers to the power of communication to link and relate us to people Communication activism direct or energetic action in support of needed social change
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