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Assignment 7 Chapter 8 1 Weber defined social class as those who rank similarly on all of these property power prestige 2 Marx defines social class based on a person s relationship to the means of production 3 Power is the ability to exercise your will over others 4 A 16 year old doctor would be an example of a status inconsistency 5 When updating Marx s social class model what class is added middle class 6 This is a group of long term poor who lack skills underclass 7 When an adult moves to another social class than that of his her parents it is referred to as intergenerational mobility 8 How is the poverty line determined Low cost food budget times three 9 The poverty line measures take into account different costs of living across the nation False 10 Most of the poor are from racial minority groups False Assignment 8 Chapter 7 system theory 1 This theory describes the interconnectedness of nations within a global economy world 2 Industrialized nations are also known as core nations 3 Countries in this area are the least developed but still included in the capitalist model periphery 4 Countries in this area are dependent on trade with core nations semi periphery 5 According to Marx the bourgeoisie own the means of production 6 These are companies that operate across national boundaries multinational corporations 7 How do members of the elite class maintain their power and perpetuate stratification all of these control people s ideas control information stifle criticism 8 In which world is the US located First 9 In which world is the Mexico Second 10 In which world is Bangladesh third

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SC SOCY 101 - Assignment 7

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