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10 11 15 6 51 PM Psych Exam 1 Review Vocab Dendrites branch like extensions that receive information Axons long tail like extensions that send information Axon terminals club like endings where axons make synaptic contact Cell body soma contains nucleus creates proteins holds cell information and provides continual renewal of cell components Myelin sheath fatty coating that insulates axons of nerve cells and speeds transmission of impulses Action potential language of neurons abrupt waves of electrical discharge triggered by a change in charge Positively charged particles flow into axon flow out just as rapidly spike in positive charge sudden decrease in charge inside slightly more negative level release of electricity produced triggers the release of neurotransmitters Neurotransmitter chemical messengers excitatory and inhibitory INSIDE neurons communication is ELECTRICAL but BETWEEN neurons communication is CHEMICAL Endorphins chemical in brain that plays a role in pain reduction a type of neuropeptide Neural plasticity the ability of the nervous system to change brain is most flexible during early development Central nervous system contains the brain and spinal cord controls mind and behavior Peripheral nervous system nerves in the body Somatic nervous system PNS Controls voluntary behavior Autonomic nervous system PNS Controls involuntary behavior Sympathetic ANS fight or flight prepares body for intense physical activity Parasympathetic ANS rest and digest conserves energy Corpus callosum large band of fibers that connects brain hemispheres Hypothalamus limbic system maintains homeostasis Amygdala limbic system plays a key role in excitement fear and arousal Hippocampus limbic system spatial memory Frontal lobe forward part of cerebral cortex assist in motor function language and memory Parietal lobe upper middle part of cerebral cortex behind frontal lobe specialized for touch and perception Temporal lobe lower part of cerebral cortex hearing understanding language and memory Occipital lobe back of cerebral cortex processes visual information Cerebellum controls balance and coordinated movement Endocrine system glands and hormones that control secretion of blood borne chemical messengers Brain lateralization some functions or cognitive processes are stronger on one side of the brain that the other ex language and verbal skills CT Scan x ray images taken at different angles EEG detects electrical activity in the brain using nodes fMRI measures brain activity associated with change in blood flow a change in phenotype without a change in genotype turn genes on and off epigenetics heritability as the extent to which genetic individual differences contribute to individual differences in observed behavior expressed as a ex height is highly heritable religious affiliation is not heredity passing of traits from parents to offspring ex hair color eye color acquisition learning or developing of a skill Extinction disappearance of a previously learned behavior Higher order conditioning stimulus is made meaningful through learning develop a conditioned response to a CS ex explains why Coke makes you thirsty Spontaneous recovery re emergence of a previously extinguished conditioned response after a delay ex A dog immediately runs to the food bowl after taking her morning walk One day she starts to just go back to her dog bed Then weeks later she begins to resume her normal response of running to the food bowl Generalization respond in the same way to different stimuli ex Little Albert cried at all furry animals Discriminative stimulus stimulus that is present when behavior is reinforced ex when a dog responds to whistling whistling is DS Shaping conditioning by reinforcing behaviors that aren t necessarily the target behavior but are progressively closer versions of it ex using treats to lead to a food bowl dashed letters Observational learning learning by watching others ex watching models parents and teachers Latent learning learning that is not directly observable ex when a dog will sit but only when a treat is present Insight learning the abrupt realization of a problem s solution ex people use a chair to stand on to reach high point on a wall Preparedness evolutionary predisposition to learn fear certain stimuli more than other ex we fear high cliffs and venomous animals but not electronics Instinctive drift tendency for animals to return to innate behavior after repeated reinforcement ex trained racoons would rubs coins together like they were food Teratogen an enviro factor that can exert a negative impact on prenatal development Reflexes an automatic motor response to stimulus ex alcohol ex sneezing Imprinting phase learning independent of consequences ex baby ducks following mother The strange situation observes attachment in parent child relationships Gender identity individuals sense of being as a male or a female Biological age how old are you based on your body s functioning ex 65 year old saying I have a body of a 40 year old Psychological age how old one acts feels or behaves ex Regina George s mom Functional age a person s ability to function in given roles in society ex can provide a basis for an age when to retire Social age age based on behavior and communication with others ex when a woman dresses too young for her age Flynn Effect the increase in intelligence over age ex fluid intelligence the capacity to learn new ways of solving problems crystallized intelligence accumulated knowledge over time Stereotype threat when people feel at risk of confirming negative stereotypes ex jocks are viewed as dumb Self fulfilling prophecies a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true ex you expect your new roommate to be shy so you don t talk to him much after he moves in and therefore he seems shy Within group heritability extent to which the variability of a trait within a group is genetically influenced ex IQ between women and Asian Americans Between group heritability extent to which the differences of a trait within a group are genetically influenced ex Flynn Effect Emotional intelligence recognize others emotions and name them accordingly ex naming your emotions when you feel certain things Learning What is learning A change in behavior as a result of an experience Classical Conditioning Pavlov Components Neutral Stimulus what does not elicit a response ex metronome nothing Unconditioned Stimulus elicits an automatic response ex meat powder

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