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Notes for WGSS Monday Sept 21 Binary Dualism Masculine high value high pay more power Feminine low value low pay less power Feminist response Value feminine women s work o REJECT BINARY SYSTEM o Redefine what is normative Kindergarten Awards o Creates a sex gender system o Boys Awards All Around Very Best Thinker Most Eager Learner Most Imaginative Most Enthusiastic Most Scientific Best Friend Mr Personality Hardest Worker Best Sense of Humor o Girls Awards Sweetheart Sweetest Personality Cutest Personality Best Sharer Best Artist Biggest Heart Best Manners Best Helper Most Creative Biological Determinism Social Construction Biological Determinism A general theory holding that a group s biological or genetic makeup shapes its social political and economic destiny Social Construction The view that concepts that appear to be immutable and solely biological such as gender race class sexuality are defined by human beings and can vary depending on cultural and historical contexts Theories Objectivity Form of understanding in which knowledge and meaning are believed to come from outside oneself not affected by personal bias Subjectivity A form of understanding in which knowledge and meaning come from oneself and one s own experience Differences Sex Refers to biological categories male and female Race A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics Ethnicity A cultural characteristic that connects a particular group or groups of people to Class A socioeconomic classification based on relative wealth cultural privilege and Sexuality The quality or state of being sexual sexual identity sexual desire sexual Ancient Greece to late 18th century male and female bodies were structurally similar each other access to power orientation Scale of degrees of perfection o Difference

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UMass Amherst WOMENSST 187 - Lecture notes

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