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Chapter 5 Consumer Behavior What is Consumer Behavior Consumer buyer behavior the buying behavior of final consumers individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption Consumer Market all the individuals and households that buy or acquire goods and services for personal consumption Black box has 2 parts o Buyer s characteristics influence how he she react to stimuli o Decision process will affect their behavior as well Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior CULTURE Culture Subculture Social Class 1 Culture LEARNED set of meanings rituals norms and traditions that are shared among members of an organization or society socialization process Content Beliefs attitudes goals values behaviors customs Cultural icons books music buildings brands Country city company ethnic groups region Why do marketers care about culture It s IMPORTANT It can affect ALL aspects of consumer behavior Expectations of product characteristics Ex white wedding dress with red trim Colors and Symbols Ex purple death blue feminine in Holland Deer homosexuality in Brazil Perception of product benefits Views of morality ethics Wal Mart in Germany people thought it was inappropriate to smile quit the market Women covered up in clothing in ads in different countries 2 Sub Culture a group of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations Hispanic American consumers African American consumers Cross Culture Marketing 3 Social Class society s relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values interests and behaviors Measured by a combination of occupation income education wealth and other variables US is pretty fluid people can be in a better social class if they become educated Components of Social Class Occupational prestige Good indicator because it is stable over time and similar across cultures Single best indicator of social class Income Wealth is not distributed evenly across classes top fifth controls 75 of all assets Income per se is not often a good indicator of social class it s the way money is spent and not how much is spent Dual career families will have more income Income increases as age increases How Social Class Influences Purchase Decisions Consumers perceive different products stores as appropriate for certain social classes Working class sturdy comfortable and familiar products utilitarian attributes Less likely to experiment with new products styles Affluent people appearance body image Good market segment for Diet foods drinks gyms Modern furniture appare Small groups family Social roles and status SOCIAL Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior Groups and Social Networks 1 Groups and Social Networks Group 2 or more people that interact to to accomplish an individual or mutual goal Word of mouth influence impact of personal words or recommendations of trusted friends associates and other consumers on buying behavior Reference group effects are more robust for purchases that are Luxuries rather than necessities Socially conspicuous visible to others or other characteristics exert social influence on others Buzz marketing enlisting opinion leaders as brand marketers Online Social Networks people use to exchange info and opinions Opinion Leader person in a reference group that because of knowledge special skills personality 2 Family Family Roles Roles that Household Members Play Gatekeeper household member who collects and controls info important to decider Influencer household members who try to express their opinions and influence the decision Decider person who actually determines what will be chosen Buyer person who physically acquires product User household member who consumes product Marketing strategy Question Who to target Children as Decision Makers Children make up 3 distinct markets Primary market Influence market Future market 3 Social Roles and Status Age and life cycle stage Moving marriage children buying a home PERSONAL Occupation Blue collar vs white collar Economic situation Watching trends in individual income interest rates saving and reflects their values tastes and preferences A I O s Activities Work hobbies shopping sports social events Opinions about themselves businesses social issues Interests food fashion family Lifestyle A pattern of living that determines how people choose to spend their time money and energy Personality and self concept Personality psychological characteristics that distinguish a person or group Brand personality specific mix of human traits that may be attributes to a certain brand Ex sincerity sophistication ruggedness Self concept the idea that people s possessions contribute to and reflect who they are We are what we consume PSYCHOLOGICAL The 4 P s Marketing The Black Box of the Consumer Response What is Consumer Behavior What s In the Black Box Motivation Motive a need that is sufficiently pressing the person to seek satisfaction of the need Process by which people select organize and interpret info to form a meaningful representation of the Changes in individual s behavior due to experiences Motivation research Interpretive consumer research Perception world Selective attention Selective distortion Selective retention Subliminal advertising Learning Drive Stimulus object Reinforcement Beliefs and Attitudes an object or an area Types of Buying Decision Behavior Complex buying behavior Dissonance reducing buying behavior Habitual buying behavior Variety seeking buying behavior Belief descriptive thought that is held by someone about something Attitude a person s consistently favorable or unfavorable evaluations feelings and tendencies toward The Buyer Decision Making Process This is rare but it makes sense for things like choosing college It s good that this doesn t actually happen because you would never get anything done Cognitive misers we like to conserve what we think about Ads Triggers 1 Need Recognition Occurs whenever a consumer recognizes a difference between their current state and their ideal or desired state Internal cues can come from yourself Hey I m hungry External cues can come from marketing Motivational Direction Most goals can be reached by a number of routes Marketers our products services provide best chance to attain goal fulfill needs Why are Needs Important I ran out of tooth paste I need tooth paste Increases motivation if a product is consistent with needs makes it personally relevant

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OSU BUSML 3250 - Chapter 5: Consumer Behavior

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