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September 7 2015 HY 101 Dr James Mixson Study Packet for Exam 1 Lecture 1 Key Terms Primary Source a document or physical object which was written or created during the time under study These are the original documents of a specific time period Secondary Source documents written after an event has occurred unlike Primary sources which provide first hand accounts secondary sources offer different perspectives of those accounts These are the replicated material of the original source BC BCE BC stands for Before Christ BCE is the abbreviation for before the Common Current Christian Era BCE is basically an alternative to saying BC Lecture 2 Key Terms evidence known to man Cuneiform roughly around 3 500 2 000 BCE this is the earliest written This term literally means Wedge Shaped The Sumerians used clay tablets made of sand and water to practice cuneiform We can relate this idea of communication via symbols to modern day usage of emoji s on the iPhone keyboard Ziggurat common term defining Sumerian people as polytheists or people who believed in many gods The Sumerian Ziggurats saw their gods as eternal but taking human form Therefore they offered their gods human food The Gods regulated human affairs The abundance of the land and overflowing of the Nile river depended on the gods so the ziggurats worshipped them for survival Ziggurat of Ur c 2100 BCE building of Sumerian temple historically significant in Mesopotamia Sumerian civilization Epic of Gilgamesh the worlds first outstanding literary work example of the royal and religious persons finding common ground Mesopotamian civilization in a nutshell Story is about two warriors who go on a trip together to search for immortality and end up devastated in the end Gilgamesh ruler of Uruk is more god than man in the epic He is cruel tyrannical but regardless a HERO Ancient heroes were not exactly pleasant people Teaches the devastating fact of life we grow old die and are The book puts ancient heroes as beyond mortal reach eventually forgotten human realism is portrayed The fundamental human perspective is gained from reading this work of literature Code of Hammurabi Babylonian legal code instituted by Hammurabi dealing with criminal and civil matters The depiction of the Code of Hammurabi shows God handing a man or the messenger a scroll of laws This is what is described as the divine mandate of that time The divide of classes there were harsh punishments given Treatment of women if divorced the women get all of the mans property and wealth however women are expected to have sex with their husbands Women are seen as slaves to men Marriage most of the time arranged by social class Injury and Manslaughter If a son should strike his father his hand should be cut off If you break a mans bone you will get your bone broken too Slaves equal HALF a person You could pretty much get away with anything done to a slave They were treated poorly Money they measured money by weight shekles and minah were the two most prominently used forms of money Physicians Malpractice fees are set for doctors but if he does wrong his hand would be cut off Barbers had the same occupational equivalence to Physicians of that time period Law and Order is established because of the Code of Hammurabi in this civilization Papyrus Egyptians writing material produced in abundance from the Nile River Used to create paper scrolls Soft and pliable Byblos major papyrus port for Phoenician Empire Provided important information on ancient writings Became a state monopoly in ancient Egypt Hieroglyphics writing in the form of symbols to communicate As Egyptians developed more hieroglyphics became something of formal monumental and prestigious script The Palermo Stone depicts the history of a dynasty of early Egyptian kings in hieroglyphics The Rosetta Stone same text in 3 different languages Hieroglyphics Demotic language Greek language For quicker and more common writing the Egyptians developed hieratic which was most commonly used in religious documents and demotic most commonly used in business or private writing Pharaoh ruler of the Great Household Had to make sure the sun came up and the Nile River flooded The pharaoh was ma at something like harmony and justice Pharaoh embodied harmony of all things Pyramids are sites of burial not sites of religion or worship Pharaoh is seen as divine and essential to the health of the land Ma at justice truth wisdom harmony principles that insured peace and prosperity Nomarch managed equitable distribution of food in time of need Governed Nomes administrative centers Lecture 3 Key Terms Iron Age period occurring after the Bronze Age marked by the prevalent and overwhelming usage of iron Iron production took place in Anatolia 1200 BC People of this time used iron in weaponry Iron was more abundant and cheaper than bronze Indo Europeans Nomadic tribes known as being herders and grazers warfare using horses and chariots Hittites an Indo European group in the Fertile Crescent Discovered an abundant empire Small and short empire but broad similarities to Indo European language diffuses across the entire Hebrews and Israelites Mesopotamian area Assyrians 700 BCE reached their height at this time based in the city of Nineveh 5 reasons they prospered 1 Iron weapons 2 Horses Calvary had several armies of these 3 Cruelty Terror slaughtered all adult males enslaved women and children deporting them afterwards to prevent rebellion within home city 4 Propaganda sent to places they conquered 5 Alliances made alliances with surrounding areas unfortunately one of the alliances the Neo Babylonians ends up overthrowing them Ashur East Semitic god head of the Assyrian gods Seen as being the host of heaven because of the rise of the Assyrian empire Neo Babylonians their empire Overthrew Assyrians because of the cruelty demonstrated in Built their empire on what was already there therefore making their empire stronger than those who chose to build their empire from nothing Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon during the reign of the Neo Babylonian Empire in its greatest glory Built up a stable empire Overthrew Babylonians and created largest empire that has a rivalry with the Romans Reasons for success The Persians Massive army of over 300 000 soldiers at its peak Replaced dead soldiers with a whole new set the very next day Conquered regions and made peace with the locals as long as they would cooperate developed loyal officials Developed system of interstates

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