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COMM 212 Final Exam Study Guide Key Concepts Test Monday May 11 2015 Speech organization method ASDF Know each one means and examples o Attention getter o State main points o Develop detail o Finalize Transactional o Liner Three types of communication model Linear Interactive and Theory that views communication as a one way process in which a source conveys an encoded message through a channel to a receiver who then decodes that message Communication theory that views communication as a two way process that includes feedback and the environment o Interactive o Transactional The theory that views communication as a constant process in which all parties simultaneously play the roles of sender and receiver Four modes of speech delivery Memorized Manuscript Impromptu and Extemporaneous o Memorized When a speaker commits an entire speech to memory and delivers with no notes in front of him her o Manuscript When a speaker has an entire speech written out word for word in front of him her as he she speaks o Impromptu o Extemporaneous A presentation done with little no preparation A speech delivered with notes but without the entire speech in front of the speaker Two major types of speech Informative speech o Purpose o Presentations in which speakers explain a topic to the audience without trying to convince them of anything o Different types of informative speech o Speeches about Objects o Speeches about Processes o Speeches about Events o Speeches about Concepts o Methods of organizing persuasive speeches o Chronological o Cause effect o Problem solution o Spatial o Topical Also known as categorical Persuasive speech o Purpose o Four stages of persuasive process o Issue Awareness Explains things to an audience by emphasizing how things are physically related to each other 1st stage of the persuasion process in which you focus the audience s attention on the issue and why it s important o Comprehension 2nd stage of the persuasion process in which the audience understands the relevant components of the issue and the position that you want them to take o Acceptance o Integration 3rd step in the persuasion process in which the audience accepts that the issue is relevant to them 4th step of the persuasion process in which the audience adopts the position that you want them to take o Different types of persuasive speech o Questions of Fact When a speaker seeks to persuade people how to interpret facts o Questions of Value an idea action or issue o Questions of Policy A persuasive speech about the rightness or wrongness of When a speaker takes a position on weather an action should or should not be taken o Four methods in organizing persuasive speech o Problem Solution Organizational pattern for a speech in which you present a problem and it s solution o Problem Cause Solution Organizational pattern for a speech in which you present a problem it s cause and eventually a solution to the problem o Comparative Advantages Used when multiple solutions are offered so that you are able to show how your solution is superior to others o Monroe s Motivated Sequence Follows five steps taking order in your presentation including attention need satisfy visualize and action Speech anxiety and systematic desensitization o Systematic Desensitization The process whereby a person is slowly introduced to a fear such that each time he or she overcomes that fear the intensity is decreased Three levels of credibility o Credibility o Initial Credibility speech o Derived Credibility o Terminal Credibility Language Four characteristics o Arbitrary Ability of a person to inspire belief or trust in others Credibility that you have with the audience before you begin your Form of credibility that manifests itself during your presentation The level of initial credibility you entered the speech with plus your derived credibility Symbols use to represent things that are not intrinsically connected to those things Language that does not have precise concrete meaning Words that are not concrete or tangible items they are only o Ambiguous o Abstract representation o Hierarchal Language that is structured according to more or less higher or lower Four ways of structuring language o Repetition o Alliteration o Parallelism o Antithesis Repeating words and phrases Repeating the same consonant or vowel sound at the beginning of subsequent words Similarly structuring related words phrases or clauses of speech When two ideas that sharply contrast with one another are put side by side in a parallel structure Aristotle s three basic appeals Reading Alcidamas o Logos o Ethos o Pathos The logical dimension of the appeal The credibility of the speaker The emotional dimension of the appeal that can influence an audience s disposition toward the topic speaker or occasion

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