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Crest Complete Toothpaste Lecture 107 Product classes forms items lines mixes Classifying product types New product process Service encounter Nondurable good Capacity Management Concept test Barriers Product Life cycle PLC PLC characteristics Imaginatik s Idea Central Steve jobs innovations Free samples Continuous innovation Business researchers emphasize Church and Dwight Co Inc Surviving the decline Idea generation What stage safety test Stock keeping unit Product class and forms product adopters 250 249 256 262 248 261 260 278 272 246 279 252 278 258 257 261 250 Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Lecture 123 Lecture 107 Lecture 108 Lecture 125 Lecture 139 Credence properties Service dimensions Tuition Charges fees rates Downsizing Idle Production capacity Branding Make a wish foundation brand name process in 7 P s involves Sequential building process of brand equity Perishability of inventory Service Image Characteristics of services Elements of services Dimensions of service People bases services categories Brand equity Branding strategies Family branding Brand equity Packaging and labeling challenges Actual service experience determined Surgeon or lawyer services evaluators Ruby Tuesdays made to go viral Service property cnsmr eval during after Lecture 137 Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book 312 283 303 283 286 314 285 301 308 305 285 287 Lecture 134 Lecture 137 Lecture 134 Lecture 129 Book 292 Book 308 9 Book 307 Lecture 132 Lecture 139 Lecture 139 How consumers purchase evaluate service Lecture 142 Costs of losing a costomer stats about it Customer experience management CEM Employee interactions success Service pricing off peak pricing CDI Formula Marketing activities directed at waiters Packaging CNBC the entrepreneurs example Top global brands P G tide and Pringles Chef ramsey Profit equation Effect of price Types of pricing Steps in setting price Washburn s Success Target profit pricing Fixed costs marks manufacturing Unit variable cost Govt space satellite power plant pricing approach Consumer buying descions from awareness Break even point Costs Book Book Book Book Book 314 309 312 280 313 Lecture 130 Lecture 126 Lecture 129 Lecture 143 Lecture 148 Lecture 145 Book 352 60 Book Book Book Lecture Lecture Book Book Book Book Book 352 347 8 358 156 156 356 335 342 341 Pricing objects constraints Slide down the demand curve pricing Vizeo ROI return on investment Competitive market types Demand factors Firms developing supply chain management Customer wants SCM teams need to focus Predatory Pricing Intensity of distribution Marketing channel arrangements Facilitating Mrkt chnl function activities Gary Trinetti SCM Marketing channels typs Prospective buyer dread this Discounts General Mills Nestl strategic channel alliance Vertical marketing systems Lecture 392 vertical marketing system administerd corporate contractual Legal considerations of marketing channels Legal aspects of pricing SCM does not replace 3 accurate lessons supply chain management Lecture 330 Book Book Book Book 162 350 330 333 Lecture 337 Lecture 184 Book 184 Lecture 372 Book Book 178 393 Lecture 387 Books 182 Book Book Book Book Book Book Lecture Book Book 388 363 366 392 178 399 369 72 183 Effiecient consumer response system order times Multi channel marketing Distribution types Marketing channel conflicts FOB orgin pricing Product life cycle stages Corporate chains Economic justifications for retailers ACE hardware true value shop rite Multichannel retailers williams sonoma Promotion objectives Wholesalers Contractual systems The communication process Communicating with college students Retail life cycle Personal selling when to use New role in the promotion mix GEICO Promotional element for business buyers The value of retailing to customers Five store settings Inherent weakness of publicity Book Book Book Book 403 391 395 397 Lecture 368 Lecture 404 Lecture 209 Lecture 195 191 195 432 454 434 415 444 203 202 Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Lecture 449 Lecture 431 Lecture 208 Book 448 Lecture 412 Promotion to sales ratio Cost and profit percentages in real life How retailers are classified sears Automatic vending Redbox Classifying retailer strategy types off price Retail outlets 3 levels of service Concerns for privacy in marketing Google glass Promotion is communication Hierarchy of effects Saks Fifth Avenue retailer classification Pierre Martineau Oreo Pioneering print ad Selecting the right media type Two main schools of thought on advertising Advertising medium types 5 Phases of social media measurement Googles model for advertising Sales promotion types Facebook Studies comparing advertisng Advertising appeal types Apps Lecture 427 Lecture 447 Lecture 213 Book 192 5 Book Book Book Book Book Book 194 197 427 447 410 203 Lecture 414 Lecture 454 Lecture 417 Lecture 428 Book 219 Lecture 222 Book 221 479 85 238 499 489 90 507 Book Book Book Book Book Lecture Media mix to maximize exposure and minimize costs Post purchase dissonance Scheduling the advertising Googles mission Product advertisments 3 forms Deceptive clicking click fraud 5 categories of online advertising Direct Marketing How social can help generate sales Institutional advertising and its 4 forms Smart systems Interaction rate Pepsi CO test drive ad Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Book Lecture 477 Lecture 470 481 474 522 220 486 500 485 500 236 471 421 518 516 216 17

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