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Exam 3 Review BUSMHR 3200 INKS Laura Duncan OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY 12 08 2015 Table of Contents Leadership 2 Book Definitions K F Ch 13 2 Lecture Notes 3 Human Resource Planning 7 Book Definitions Noe Ch 5 7 Lecture Notes 8 Employee Training and Development 9 Book Definitions Noe Ch 6 7 9 Lecture Notes 11 Performance Management 14 Book Definitions Noe Ch 10 K F Ch 6 14 Lecture Notes 16 Organization Design Effectiveness Innovation 20 Book Definitions K F Ch15 20 Lecture Notes 20 Managing Organization Change 21 Book Definitions K F Ch 16 23 Lecture Notes 23 Text color has been changed to convey suggested study by Inks in red and supporting materials for these items in orange This is not a complete guide nor is it intended to be so 1 Leadership Book Definitions K F Ch 13 Trait Approach attempts to identify personality characteristics or interpersonal attributes that can be used to differentiate leaders from followers Narcissism having a self centered perspective feelings of superiority and a drive for personal power and glory Machiavellianism use of manipulation a cynical view of human nature e g all lie to get what they want and a moral code that puts results over principles Psychopathy characterized as a lack of concern for others impulsive behavior and a lack of remorse or guilt when one s actions harm others Implicit Leadership Theory idea that people have beliefs about how leader should behave and what they should do for their followers Leadership Prototype mental representation of the traits and behaviors that people believe are possessed by leaders Behavioral Styles Approach attempts to identify the unique behaviors displayed by effective leaders Initiating Structure leader behavior that organizes and defines what group members should be doing to maximize output Transactional Leadership focuses on clarifying employees role and task requirements and providing followers with positive and negative rewards contingent on performance Consideration leader behavior associated with creating mutual respect or trust and focuses on a concern for group members needs and desires Empowering Leadership represents the extent to which a leader creates perceptions of psychological empowerment in others Psychological Empowerment reflects employees belief that they have control over their work Servant Leadership increased service to others rather than to oneself Lassez Faire Leadership general failure to take responsibility for leading Situational Theories propose that the effectiveness of a particular style of leader behavior depends on the situation Contingency Theory based on the premise that a leader s effectiveness is contingent on the extent to which a leader s style fits or matches characteristics of the situation at hand Path Goal Theory holds that leader behaviors are effective when employees view them as a source of satisfaction or as paving the way to future satisfaction Charisma form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance devotion and enthusiasm Transformational Leaders transform followers to pursue organizational goals Inspirational Motivation includes use the charisma involves establishing an attractive vision of the future the use of emotional arguments and exhibition of optimism and enthusiasm Idealized Influence instill pride respect and trust within employees Individualized Consideration entails behaviors associated with providing support encouragement empowerment and coaching to employees Intellectual Stimulation behaviors that encourage employees to question the status quo and to seek innovative and creative solutions to organizational problems 2 Leader Member Exchange LMX Theory based of the assumption that leaders develop unique one to one relationships with each other the people reporting to them Lecture Notes Basics o Leadership process of providing direction and influencing individuals or groups to achieve goals Management vs Leadership o Management focused more on current Promotes stability and efficiency Skills Planning Organizing Analytical thinking Communicating informing keeps the train running on time o Leadership focused more on future Promotes change and adaptation Strategic thinking Skills Conceptual thinking Innovation creativity Inspiring decides where the tracks should be placed o must know when to lead and when to manage Behavior Theories of Leadership o Ohio State Leadership Studies Consideration people initiative task behaviors Found no one ideal style o University of Michigan Studies o Managerial Grid Found team management to be ideal Rated on concern for people concern for production 3 Situation Leadership o One type of contingency Contingency theories it depends Depends on people s needs Directive vs delegate o Very common leadership theory Path Goal Theory Leadership Behaviors o Leadership is all about personal influence o Leader s job is to clear a path to the goal Can also apply to groups o Behaviors Supportive leadership Directive leadership Achievement oriented leadership Participative leadership Upward influencing leadership Laissez faire leadership o Not assuming leadership responsibility o NOT real leadership Transaction Leadership o Never let it fall through cracks o Clarifying role requirements task requirements accountabilities o Provided positive negative rewards for performance Transformational Leadership o Provides transformational change in engaging of members toward organizational goals o Not substitute for transaction leadership o Steps Transforms an organization 1 Create vision 2 Communicate vision effectively 3 Mobilize commitment Get people motivated 4 transformational are transactional transactional does not mean transformational they are compliments of one another Charismatic Leader Characteristics o Self confidence o Vision o Ability to articulate vision to others o Strong convictions about vision o Out of the ordinary behavior o Strong ability to manage change o Environment resource sensitivity Sensitive to moral Ear to the ground leadership o think Shackleton o Challenging the process Inspiring a shared vision o o Enabling others to act o Modeling the way o Encouraging the heart Lincoln on Leadership o Abraham Lincoln Kouzes Posner s Leadership Practices behaviors of good leadership Very folksy reliable leader Made cabinet up of rivals best for job Get to know them and build relationships with them Persuade rather than coerce o People o Character o Endeavor Honesty and integrity always Never act out of vengeance

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