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Human Development Final Exam Adolescence Defining and Measuring I Adolescence is transition between childhood and adulthood A Chronological teens or junior high B Biological puberty C Cultural rites of passage coming of age 1 Religious Confirmation baptism 2 Mutilation Circumcise piercing tattoos 3 Walkabout Puberty Physical changes that make an individual capable of reproduction How it works o Hypothalamus o Endocrine system o Pituitary Gland Human Growth Hormone Gonadotropins Primary sex characteristics make individual capable of reproduction o Production of sperm testes mature Spermarche first ejaculation Occurs during masturbation occasionally sleep 14 years o Menstruation ovaries mature and release eggs Menarche first menstrual cycle Ovaries release egg on 28 day cycle First few cycles may be irregular Secondary sex characteristics observable changes in physical appearance Early vs Late Puberty 1 Males a Puberty generally a positive experience b Early developers higher status 2 Females a Puberty generally a negative experience b Early developers lower self esteem poorer body image Menarche Why is menarche beginning earlier Nutrition fattier diets Health Care Critical Weight Hypothesis Menstruation triggered by weight fat ratio o o Delayed in very lean girls o Amenorrhea menstrual cycle stops when female fall below weight fat ratio Adolescence Sex 11 of adolescents engage in anal sex with someone of the opposite sex 55 males 54 females are engaged in oral sex with someone from the opposite sex Each year there are 19 million STD infections 12 all pregnancies each year occur among adolescents Who are males and females sleeping with o Males Causal acquaintance dating with affection o Female Someone loved expected to marry Why the discrepancy between males and females o Differing sexual scripts Males sex leads to intimacy Females intimacy leads to sex Differing scripts may explain high instance of acquaintance rape o 1 7 college women report being raped 80 by acquaintance Masturbation is the most common adolescent sexual activity o 95 of males o 50 females Homosexuality activity A Why not use contraceptives a Uneducated b Limited access c Invulnerable B USA teen pregnancy rate highest in the world C Sexual activity same as other countries Sources about Sex I Where do teens learn about sex a Parents too late awkward b Media music movies TV magazines c School Sex ed d Friends peers inaccurate II Consequences a Pregnancy b STD s Teen Pregnancy 50 of teens report that pregnancy resulted from first sexual encounter I a 80 unintended b 80 unmarried Sexually active teens II i 20 never use contraception ii 40 sometimes iii 40 regularly use Contraception Reduce likelihood of pregnancy Contraceptive do not prevent stds Abstinence is key Identity What is identity Answer who am i Includes appearance attitudes beliefs interest roles abilities career hopes groups Primary crisis in adolescence Erikson identity vs identity confusion Turbulent full of contact Identity Conflict Myth Adolescents Often admire there parents Feel loved by there parents Ask parents for advice Adopt parent values Differ Clothes Music Tv Friends Activities Disagreements occur Adolescents believe theses are personal traits Parents believe these are right wrong Identity Development Statuses 2 dimensions exploration and commitment 4 different statuses o Occupation o Politics o Religion o Relationships Full identity means achievement in each area Why Crisis in adolescence 2 main distortions for how adolescents see themselves Personal fable irrational belief that they are unique Imaginary audience irrational belief that others think about them a lot Identity in Adulthood Past who you have already been Present who you currently are Future who you hope expect to be Social clock when you expect things to happen Counterfactuals what ifs Study Olympic silver medalist Problems ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder AD trouble concentrating inattentive careless forgetful H impulsive hyper trouble inhibiting active Treatment stimulants Diagnosis symptoms before age 7 last 6 months o Prevalence 3 5 mostly boys Substance Use Abuse Tobacco and alcohol most frequently used Higher rates in males expect cigarettes Alcohol abuse 5 drinks at 1 sitting Anorexia Nervosa Self starvation o 25 below average body weight o 90 cases in females o Deadliest disorder Bulimia Nervosa o Irrational belief they are fat Binge Purge Cycle Binge 4000 5000 calories in 1 sitting Purge self induced vomiting Not characterized by dramatic weight loss Mostly females Low body satisfaction Obesity Severely overweight o 20 over average body weight o Adolescent obesity 80 likely to be obese adult o Heart disease diabetes o Exercise low fat low calorie Friendships o BM body mass Still sex segregated boy boy girl girl Still stereo typed activates o Girls share emotions o Boys compete Number of best friend declines 5 to 2 Important features change o Intimacy psychological closeness trust o Loyalty devoted reliable Peer Groups Clique 5 7 close friends Share information Acts similar Similar backgrounds Crowd large loosely organized group Based of genetic qualities Romantic Relationships Interpersonal Attraction Proximity Similarity physical intellectual spiritual cultural Physical attraction average features symmetry Cohabitation 53 of marriages preceded by cohabitation o Committed sexual relationship Limited cohabitation convenience is goal not marriage Premarital compatibility got marriage Substitute marriage used in place of marriage Successful Marriage Strong sense of marital identity Similarity values goals education attractiveness Equally important in relationship Resolve conflict Conflict Resolution Styles gottman Validating Couple A Acknowledge feelings even in disagreement Violate Couples Signs of relationship in decline B Intense arguments persuasion not compromise Avoidant Couples C Minimize or ignore problems no resolution Family Complex set of inter related relationships Changes as adolescents withdrawals o Attachment adult adult relationships o Autonomy struggle for independence o Achievement set own goals o Identity try new things meet new people o Sexuality thinking about sexual stuff Adolescents Require more resources Spend more time with peers less with family Requires different parenting o Less control advice o More support freedom Criticism Attacking person rather then behavior issue Contempt Intend to hurt or disrespect Ex Roll eyes mock

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