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How Rates of groundwater stream velocity and ood recurrence interval are calculated including what all of the variables mean Groundwater Higher slope higher hydraulic gradient higher groundwater velocity Shallow slope low hydraulic gradient low groundwater velocity Hydraulic gradient the change in hydraulic head over a distance the slope of the water table Stream Velocity Max Velocity Determines where the erosion and deposition occurs Faster velocity occurs at cut banks where erosion is occurring Slower velocity occurs at point bars where deposition is occurring Flood Recurrence The more discharge the ood gives the higher the rank it has Parts of different landforms features parts of a stream different kinds of streams glacial landforms petroleum traps geologic structures Cut Bank where the stream erodes the most Point Bar Where most deposition occurs in the stream Anticline and Syncline Glacial Landforms Hanging Valleys valleys where smaller glaciers joined a larger glacier Truncated spurs smooth triangular ridges on the edge of the main glacier Aretes sharp ridges separating valleys Cirques steep sided half bowel recesses carved into mountain side of glaciers Horns sharp peak where several cirques have been carved into the mountain Continental Landforms Ice sheets produce rounded landforms Rounded Knobs Grooves orientation of grooves indicate direction of ice sheet movement Ages of things we have discussed last ice age how are divisions in the geologic time scale determined The last of the large North American ice sheets melted 10 000 years ago Pleistocene Epoch Peak of the most recent ice age was 18 000 years ago How often does Old Faithful Erupt Every 65 Minutes Yellowstone National Park Montana The bene ts and limitations of science doesn t give absolute answers to moral ethical problems determined by best practices of the scienti c method can change based on new evidence Bene ts Constantly being re ned and corrected and understanding how natural world works Limitations Doesn t have moral judgments Doesn t make aesthetic judgements Doesn t tell you how to use scienti c knowledge Doesn t draw conclusions about supernatural explanations Be able to identify geologic structures anticline syncline dome basin and determine where the youngest oldest layer is located based on the type of fold Anticline Shaped like A youngest layers are on the outside oldest layers are in the middle Syncline Shaped like U youngest layers are in the middle oldest layers are on the outside Dome 3D Anticline Youngest rocks are on the outside oldest rocks are in the center Basin 3D Syncline Youngest rocks are in the center oldest rocks are on the outside Negative impacts of increasing ocean acidity and over shing Ocean Acidity Dissolution of calcifying organisms disrupts the food web Reproductive and physiological effects on organisms Increased Red tides algae Decline of commercial sheries Damage to indigenous people Over shing Too many sh removed so species is not able to sustain their population Heavy depletion in breeding stock ByCatch any sh that you caught that you didn t want killed Ghost Nets are lost or left nets by sherman kill and trap thousands of sh and sea life Types of marine debris and plastic degradation Marine Debris Ghost Nets lost or left behind sh nets by sherman kill and trap thousands of sh and sea life trapped animals are eaten by bottom dwelling organisms Net becomes buoyant and starts traveling again They entangle and strangle starve lacerate or suffocate marine animals turtles Nurdles Preproduction plastic pellets used to make plastic products or used in soaps and cosmetics They can be broken down plastic less than ve mm in diameter starve to death Plastic 8 8 million tons of plastic released into the ocean each year Great paci c garbage patch 100 million tons of plastic in the oceans Plastic Degradation Photodegredation weakening of material due to sunlight and disintegration into smaller and smaller pieces Relatively quick Degrades plastic into smaller plastic polymers Not a chemical breakdown Biodegredation complete chemical breakdown of plastic polymer oxygen carbon dioxide water Happens very slowly Degrades plastic into elements not smaller pieces of plastic Plans for the future of Yucca Mountain and communicating dangers of the area highly radioactive area buried nuclear waste Rods in yucca mountain in Nevada What they ended up doing and communicating Posted several large posts with a description of danger around earthen berms containing warnings maps periodic tables and astronomical charts They buried time capsules at various depths with wood samples for dating Other ideas that they didn t do Build spike elds to discourage movement into the area Plant engineered blue cacti at the site to indicate its importance Place human remains around the site Characteristics of urbanized vs natural streams Urbanized Streams greatly affected by the infrastructure and pavement created because there is no where for the water to go Shorter lag time when the water level rises it rises super fast Higher peak Flow when rainfall occurs it the ow increases much quicker than a natural Lower base Flow drains out more than the natural stream lower than it was originally before Quicker return to pre rainfall conditions Greater risk of ash oods Decreased recharge of aquifers aquifers body of sediment or rock saturated with water stream rain that allows groundwater to move easily Natural Streams Riparian Zones diverse vegetation that grows along streams separating land and water works as a stream buffer helps prevent erosion and a bio lter helps prevent contaminated run off High diversity density of species Unique vegetation and soil Doesn t reach as high a peak ow or as low a base ow as urbanized streams because there are faced with less run off compared to urbanized streams which are surrounded by pavement and other surfaces that water cant seep into Returns to pre rainfall conditions more gradually than urbanized streams

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OSU EARTHSC 1100 - Groundwater

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