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In this study guide you will learn about the two revolutions that occurred during the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century You will learn about how the Enlightenment brought about a new wave of thinking You will learn about the dominant art style of this period Neoclassicism and its characteristics You will also learn about the second art style that developed during the 18th century Lastly you will learn about art from this period from artists such as Piranesi West Stubbs Fuseli and David What two revolutions occurred during the middle and late 18th century The Industrial revolution occurred in Britain and the political revolution began in the United States during the middle and late 18th century What was the period called in which the Industrial revolution and the Political revolution began The period in which the Industrial revolution and the Political revolution began was known as The Age of Enlightenment that occurred in Britain France Germany and the United States Who were the two influential figures of the 18th century that inspired a new perspective during The Age of Enlightenment British philosopher John Locke and physics and mathematician Isaac Newton were the two influential figures of the 18th century that inspired a new perspective during The Age of Enlightenment What did both Newton and Locke s values Both Newton and Locke s valued the idea that people can only gain knowledge through rational experience rather than religious practice or revelation How did the Enlightenment influence the modern world Enlightenment influenced the modern world by causing a new wave of modern science such as the discovery of electricity oxygen chemistry and natural science Contradicting transformations that occurred during the second half of the 18th century were from the old to modern aristocracy to democracy agriculture industry and rural to urban The art of this period also had contradictory elements which are referred as Neoclassicism What are some characteristics of Neoclassical art Romans Neoclassic art represented the virtuous deeds of the ancient Greeks and Most neoclassicism work was really contemporary genre scenes that had a feel of classical antiquity and represented similar moral values Neoclassic art embraced logic and morality and rejected the sensual and erotic compositions of Rococo art What other art style existed alongside of Neoclassicism in the 18th century Rococo art still existed inside Neoclassical paintings in the 18th century Foundations of Neoclassicism Gavin Hamilton Who set foundation for neoclassic art The scottish artist Gavin Hamilton was one of the painters who set foundation for neoclassic art What is one of Hamilton s early compositions that included deathbed scenes Hamilton s early compositions that included deathbed scenes is his painting Andromache Bewailing the Death of Hector Romanticism and Piranesi What new style formed after the second half of the 18th century A new style called Romanticism also formed after the second half of the 18th century What is the difference between Neoclassicism and Romanticism Unlike Neoclassicism Romanticism valued emotion and set to invoke emotional responses within the viewer Which artist set the course for the Romanticism art style Giovanni Battista Piranesi set the course for the Romanticism art style Which of Piranesi prints illustrates hundreds of etches of colossal and looming Roman ruins that demonstrate the herculean strength supremacy of the Roman civilization The Roman Antiquities illustrates hundreds of etches of colossal and looming Roman ruins that demonstrate the herculean strength supremacy of the Roman civilization Benjamin West Contemporary History Painting Which artist was responsible for the increased popularity of contemporary history paintings Benjamin West a successful British neoclassical and historical painter was responsible for the increased popularity of contemporary history paintings Which of West s historical paintings represented the French and Indian war in Quebec in 1759 The Death of General Wolfe was one of West s historical paintings that represented the French and Indian war in Quebec in 1759 How did The Death of General Wolfe painting receive fame The Death of General Wolfe became popular because of the authenticity of the contemporary scene makes the audience feel that they were witnessing the events as they was happening How did West classicize the figures and event of The Death of General Wolfe Wests classicized the figures and event of The Death of General Wolfe by placing the setting in a traditional Lamentation scene Architecture The Chiswick House On what was British architecture was based British architecture was based on classical villas created by Antonio Palladio which used harmonious elements such as geometry mathematics and logic Which artists created the Chiswick house which became one of the most famous Palladian revival houses Lord Burlington and William Kent created the Chiswick house which became one of the most famous Palladian revival houses Landscape The English Landscape Which English landscape is regarded as picturequest rather than geometric as it is an idealization of nature found in Baroque classicism The English landscape is regarded as picturequest rather than geometric as it is an idealization of nature found in Baroque classicism Interior Strawberry Hill Which interior designer was credited with the reviving of Gothic fashion with his redesign of Strawberry Hill Horace Walpole was credited with the reviving of Gothic fashion with his redesign of Strawberry Hill George Stubbs The Lion Attacking a Horse Which artist created his own series that included 21 paintings of a lion attacking a horse George Stubbs created his own series that included 21 paintings of a lion attacking a horse How did Stubbs become known as the painter of horses in England Stubs became known as the painter of horses in England as he often dissected them to study their anatomy Jean Henry Fuseli The Nightmare Instead of creating scenes that represented the virtuous aspects of antiquity which artist often displayed psychological agonizing and erotic events that invoked a great emotional response within the viewer Instead of creating scenes that represented the virtuous aspects of antiquity swiss artist Jean Henry Fuseli often displayed psychological agonizing and erotic events that invoked a great emotional response within the viewer Which one of Fuseli s paintings depicts a

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HCCC ART 125 - Age of Enlightenment

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