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HIST 1001 Exam 3 Golden Age Hellenistic World Greek Philosophy Socrates Plato 10 15 2014 o Allegory of the Cave Prisoners Shadows cast on wall Performers in front of fire o Set up the Academy Philosophical school lived entire life here to study philosophy Aristotle came to study here Aristotle to find it o Comes from Macedonia NOT Athens when he was 17 years old o Perfection is out in the world but have to go around and look o Leaves Athens and goes back to tutor Alexander o Goes back to Athens and sets up a rival school Lyceum Explore find truth in a different way going out and investigating researching analyzing o Primary Source on Zoology Politics ethics o The majority ought to be sovereign democracy Democracy is not perfect Hellenistic Greece A The Rise of Macedonia Terrain more mountainous than southern Greece Gets cold and snows vast forests wood for the boats Tiresias Philip of Macedon o Good at uniting Macedonians by using Macedonia for Macedonians Athens comes to use wood but we should be running the show o Unifies all the different Macedonia tribes into one community under his rule against foreigners o Begins conquering neighbors in Thrace and takes on a wife o Married to Olympias mother to Alexander the Great o 338 BC conquered southern Greece Battle of Chaeronea o Has an idea to take over Persia next o 336 BC assassinated at his daughter s wedding stabbed in the back Alexander the Great o At his father side during the battle against southern Greece o They end up conquering all of southern Greece o At 20 he takes over the throne 338 BC King of Macedonia o Marches down on Southern Greece city of Thebes burns down every single building but one a poet s home because he liked the poet Says he ll do that to every place that doesn t follow his rle o 334 BC invaded Persian empire Age 22 Takes over the coast fearing a naval attack Conquered Asia Minor Syria Palestine Egypt Mesopotamia Bactria India Iranian Plat o Takes over Egypt in Egyptian clothing tells them he is their pharaoh god now o Roxan Bactrian Alexander s wife o Died at 32 years old Who takes over o 3 year old Son and Wife are killed too B Hellenistic kingdoms Spread of Greek o Antigonus Antigonids o Seleucus Seleucids Asian Minor Persian Empire o Ptolemy Ptolemies Get Egypt after Alexander s death The real prize o Begin dynasties Dominate language Greek Birth of the Roman Republic 10 15 2014 I Italian Geography Middle of the Mediterranean World Rome is on the Tiber River Italy o Surrounded by water peninsula Harder to attack people by water With Rome we see the waters protect it o Vast Alps Mountain Range form a natural wall protective barrier which helps the Romans a lot from being conquered by other people o Sea can facilitate trade and contact o Apennine Mountains run through all of Italy making travel from coast to the next coast difficult o Don t rely on rivers but have regular rain fall o Rome is in ancient volcanic region Lots of hills and very fertile soil Palatine Hill where the first Roman civilization was found Early romans were farmers but became soldiers when needed farmer soldiers o Climate is similar to Greece dry better for grapes olive oil o Etruscans Highly civilized in culture and politics in Northern Italy Written language Hasn t been figured out yet What we know about them comes from modern archeology and ancient people talking about them Greeks Romans Built their cities out of wood houses temples so their civilizations have decomposed and are no longer around Etruscan tombs Beehive shaped cut stone earthen tops stone coffins Buried dead with grave goods some of which has survived Influenced by the Greeks vases similar o Hills of Rome 7 Palatine Hill earliest place of archeological evidence Capitoline Hill the place for the main Roman god Jupiter Pregant wife with twins sent them down a river Female wolf just gave birth lost her litter hears the cries and adopts them Son of the wolf Strong powerful young boys Romulus and Remus True dad was Mars god of warfare Romulus kills Remus o Get the name for Rome by Romulus o The creation story of the Romans There was a king in north Etruscan who received a prophecy saying your wife will give birth to twin sons however they will overtake your kingdom destroy your kingdom and create a new kingdom once they grow up o He decides to expose them He puts them in a little raft and floats them down the river Tiber They get stuck in some reeds between two hills Palatine and Capitol hill A She Wolf that has lost her cubs rescues them and raises them as her own cubs o This story says that the Romans are very tough self made people Romulus actually later kills Remus and Romulus is actually the founder of Rome o Palatine Hill and Capitoline Hill know Two of the 7 hills of Rome The Palatine hill is the original hill of the roman tribe This is THE place to live later in roman civilizations Capitoline hill is not a place where you will live This is where they built a temple to Jupiter Jupiter is called Capitoline Jupiter his attributes get contributed to Zeus The Romans later drained the swamp that was in between the Capitoline and Palatine hill They fill it in with dirt from other hills that they lowered This area becomes the forum similar to the agora o Romans become successful at conquering hilltop neighbors Conquest and then absorb and assimilate By 200 BC all of Italy is Roman and assimilated II Era of the Seven Kings 753 509 BC 753 The date the Romans pick for when their civilization started but historians are not sure of it 509 BC is a date historians are sure dates are important Tarquin the Proud o Etruscan Name Sextus Tarquinius o Son of the king o Primary Source Livy History of Rome Rape of Lucretia o Visits Lucretia the wife of one of the wives from the dinner party primary source and rapes her o She immediately calls for husband and father friends and tells them what happened She forces them to avenge this event and kill Sextus o Commits sucide in front of them all They go after him and decide that they will never have kings again May not have happened but is important because this is what is told Roman hatred of kings and single man rule has impact on how they set up their rule and distribute power Roman People o Farmer soldier o Prophecy o Hatred of kings o Mos mairoum custom of the ancestors Way or manner ancestors did things o Tradition bound people Romans did not have a written constitution things worked because they did things the same way their

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