The Post Classical Period 500AD 1500AD Why this date All classical empires fall decentralized political governments Why the end at 1500AD The patterns of the Age of Exploration begins technically 1492 with the discovery of America Lecture Outline 1 Transition 2 Post Classical VS Middle Ages Why do we commonly use Middle Ages and we use Post Classical in World History 3 Themes of Post Classical Period 4 Civilization Zones New Characters Great Civilizations and Imitation Societies Transitions Between Periods 1 Empires Collapse 2 Spiritual values supersede political values World religions transcend boundaries of ethnicity and language 3 New Characters Emerge Byzantine and another 7th century character 4 New Themes Emerge Classical themes expansion of civilization integration of new peoples Post Classical Themes Push people towards globalization in new ways Why don t we call it the Middle Ages The name only works for Europe and World History class deals with the world 1 Buddhism emerges and follows aggressive missionary policy 2 Christianity 1st several centuries it s viewed as radical Judaism It ll spread through and beyond See Image Theme 1 Spread of World Religion the Roman Empire Islam 3 Why These 3 religions They re unifying and act as forces of globalization Animism is a personal religion tribal and local Ethnic geographical and other boundaries are transcended by these religions Examples Dome of the Rock mosque in Jerusalem and Notre Dame in France Theme 2 Emergence of a World Trade Network Formerly Silk Road was used to buy goods from Han China but it was not a significant because it was dangerous and people didn t travel the whole length of it Post Classical Volume of goods being transported is larger now It ll transform everyone on the trade route spread technology religion philosophies etc Theme 3 Islam as a Globalizing Force Establishment of a cultural religious zone aka the Islamic Empire It spreads from Arabia to Persia and on to India taking its technology culture and language with it Arab merchants pioneer trade routes from Arabia North Africa India China How does Islam push to greater globalization Civilization Zones 3 A Great Civilizations wealthiest powerful military a lot of culture and music 1 Byzantine World 2 China Sui Tang Zhou Mongols 3 B India no major empire regional kingdoms but it is important because of its wealth and history 4 Middle East Huge international influence Imitator Societies young societies who don t have the tools to create a civilization like a writing system 1 Japan not united Consists of organized states with no writing system Because of this they have two options invent their own writing system OR adopt an existing system and modify it 2 South East Asia East Indies Thai Burman 3 Russia after fall of Constantinople 4 Western Europe must understand fall of Rome to comprehend how this society imitates others C The Rest 1 The Americas Mayans Aztecs Incas 2 Africa 3 Australia and Oceania These societies do not factor in to globalization Be able to place each place in its respective zone Additional Points 1 000 AD Tipping Point between globalization localization Global affairs become more important than local affairs It is now more likely that they will wear eat or read something that was made somewhere else and influenced by other cultures Greater amount of contact interaction and understanding between societies through learning different languages and trading of goods Greater suspicion fear and hostility between societies as the space separating them shrinks and they begin to overlap One example is the Crusades Post Classical Christian knights come into contact with Arab protectors and there is a great conflict Although they are fighting they are still able to adopt technology and other commodities and take them back to where they came from Lecture Outline World Religion 1 Why does religion spread What makes the religions attractive to other people What non religious forces help missionaries carry their religion elsewhere 2 Syncretism when religions interact 3 Diffusion of Buddhism and Christianity 4 How do religions transform society Why do World Religions Spread A Factor 1 Collapse of Political Authority 1 Classical empires fall How does this relate to religion Well what does a state provide Laws Defense and Education Laws courts judges Priests fill this void Defense Food shortages Church takes care of this Rations food to people who are starving Education Many people who cannot afford a private tutor send their children to learn in a monastery or a mosque 2 Cultural World view Buddha s teaching life is suffering In China Collapse of empire is suffering The promise of the relief of suffering is attractive to the Chinese so they adopt Buddhism Same principle for people who adopt Christianity There will be a 2nd coming New Age so you should build your treasures in Heaven B Factor 2 Missionary Activity 1 Universalist Polytheist Tribal God Salvation there are many roads to salvation The 3 world religions are not like this They have a more exclusive view of how God works 2 Monotheism God Salvation there is only one way Having regional and local gods will not help you The idea of missionaries is a new concept C Factor 3 Religion as a political or commercial tool 1 Malacca converts to Islam In South East Asia there is a state called Malacca which has a very strategic location It is a major trade port between the Arab world and India The ruler of Malacca called a Raj notices that many of the traders are Muslim and are more likely to stay where they feel safe and are among their own people In order to increase his wealth from their trade operations he converts Malacca to Islam which lures the Muslims to stay in Malacca and trade there 2 Baptism of Clovis 496 AD Will be covered in next lecture
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