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2 22 Biology Notes Nutrition Animals and Fungi are heterotrophic gets nutrients and energy from plants Plants are autotrophic gets nutrients and energy from sun What does this mean What is the difference between needing materials and needing energy Types of Nutrients for animals Inorganic minerals metals and ions water Organic things that basically come from other organisms carbohydrates lipids proteins vitamins Q On average an adult human can survive for about a few weeks without food and a few days without water What are these nutrients used for Carbohydrates energy Lipids energy cellular material insulation Proteins cellular material Vitamins and Minerals molecules cellular material Background Terminology Q A calorie is a measure of A energy Celsius A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise 1 gram of water 1 degree Food calories 1 000 calories Calories capital C how much energy something has Human energy consumption The average human At rest 70 Calories hour During exercise up to 20 Calories minute Essential versus Non essential If an organism cannot make a particular compound that compound must be obtained through eating and is considered essential Non essential is what you can make out of breaking substances down within the body so not required to get it through eating Human Essential versus Non essential Essential fatty acids 3 need large quantities Essential amino acids 8 to 9 need large quantities Vitamins 13 Minerals many Important Concepts in Digestion Intracellular digestion is very important in protozoans and sponges Extracellular digestion outside the cell but also effectively outside the organism Fig 34 6 Digestive systems Complete 2 openings allows parts of system to be specialized materials moves through pattern Incomplete 1 opening no specialization Fig 34 7 8 What difference does it make The digestive system involves several different processes Does the order make a difference Digestive systems perform five functions 1 Ingestion 2 Mechanical breakdown 3 Chemical breakdown 4 Absorption 5 Elimination The digestive systems of animals are very diverse why Different types of food require different structures Different sized of food require different structures The same food can be digested using different strategies approaches

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