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Life on planet earth notes Invasive species can be a plant or animal that doesn t originally come from the certain ecosystem They are likely to cause damage and it s extremely difficult to get rid of them once they have spread Since the 1800 s about 25 different invasive species have made the Great Lakes their home Some examples are Sea lamprey round goby Eruasian ruffe alewife and more A popular type of invasive species are zebra mussels They come from many different waters and have caused serious damage to power plants and have clogged pipes and have broke cooling systems They have also killed thousands of clams Invasive Plants Common reed reed canary grass purple loosestrife Eruasian milfoil frogbit and cattails are all invasive plants They all spread rapidly and disturb boating swimming and wildlife What are we doing to control this problem Closely watching out for other species that have already invades other ecosystems nearby and learning how to stop them before they get in Also studying how the invasive species get in and how they can stop future species from entering the same way

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KSU BSCI 10002 - Life on planet earth

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