The learning concepts this week was a greater understanding of how to coin in all the methods and logic associated with word problems of various means I could have used this tune up on calculus based physics as this is exactly where the issues of understanding of physics come in Couple in that with poor teaching skills which was in my physics class the outcomes was a failed learning skill yet still attaining a passing grade because the instructor had to grade on a curve lest the whole class fail This did nothing for the smart ones and certainly did nothing for the struggling ones All that occurred was a physics teacher saving his career path The interesting facet to all of this is a derivative form that is emerging I liked the analysis of multiple calculations for a changing curve Within calculus a smooth single calculation curve has one derivative that defines that curve Within advanced calculus with multiple definitions of a curve multiple derivatives resolve out of the multiple curves This course has given me new purpose to dust off my calculus book and see how this all works out The higher math definitions mean coalescing long calculations into small dI dt derivative of interest over the derivative of time types of analysis where not only can a piece of a curve be simply defined albeit complex to get there but with this an analysis of the area under the curve can be had One thing I found neat in my calculus courses was a proof how the area under the curve of the natural logarithm is equal to PI It is all interconnected in nature More than this course ascribes but within things of note is regression analysis I believe the closer the area of each box represents the closer to an actual forecast can be seen For next week This last week was very well instructed to defining these multiple calculations and as well how Excel can play a major role The forecasting methods within Excel and using averages are very powerful
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