Exam 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Human Resource Management The field of study and practice that focuses on people in organizations How is Organizational Success Determined 2 Perspectives 1 Success in Life Cycle Stages Organizational life cycle stages through which an organization moves after its is founded Entrepreneurial stage o Focuses on survival o Won t make money Communal stage jobs stabilizes growth Formalization stage o Focuses on expansion and innovation o HR department increases employee commitment and loyalty designs o Focuses on establishing clear practices and procedures for carrying out work Elaboration stage o HR works to cut costs in order to earn profits o Focuses on reinvention and adaptation to change o HR needs to mold to new market and train employees appropriately 2 Success from Stakeholder Perspective Stakeholders individuals or groups who are affected by or who affect an organization Employees Customers o Need pay safe work environment etc o Employee turnover the process in which employees leave the organization and are replaced by other employees o Need good product for cheap o Good HR management leads to increased customer satisfaction Owners Shareholders o Need a return on their investment Society o Affect society through their environmental practices the charities they support the jobs they form and their social and political concerns The Chain of Success a positive cycle Financial Performance Human Resource Management Start and End of Cycle Customer Service Effective Employees Human Resource Management o Acquiring new employees o Maximizing performance o Meeting employee needs Effective Employers o Happy o Skilled o Long Term Customer Service o Strong relationships o Repeat business Financial Performance o Survival and growth o Higher profitability Core Function of Human Resources Strategic Management working with other parts of the organization to establish goals and provide quality goods and services o Concerned with strategic planning for producing and marketing goods and services Workforce Planning and Employment identifying jobs that capture employee tasks recruiting and selecting desirable employees o Concerned with designing jobs and placing people in those jobs Human Resource Development measuring employee performance teaching employees new knowledge skills and abilities o Concerned with helping employees learn knowledge and skills Total Rewards paying employees fairly administering benefits such as insurance o Concerned with managing employee pay and benefits Employee and Labor Relations establishing and managing relationships between the company and employees working with labor unions o Concerned with building and maintaining good relationships with employees and labor unions Risk Management establishing procedures to provide a safe and secure working environment Human Resource Roles o Concerned with employees physical and mental well being Long Term Processes People Short Term Strategic Partner Concerned with providing inputs that help and organization put its competitive strategy into action Functional Expert Concerned with providing technical expertise related to functions such as hiring training and compensatin employees Human Capital Developer Concerned with facilitating learning and skill development Employee Advocate Concerned with looking out for the interests of employees and ensuring that they are treated fairly Human Resource Competencies Competency knowledge skill ability and other personal attributes needed to perform a work behavior Core HR Competencies Change Management Knowledge and skills applied to help organization grown and adapt to new conditions Knowledge of Business Knowledge and skills in areas of general business such as finance accounting marketing and operations planning Human Resource Practices Knowledge and skills applied to carry out actions such as hiring training and compensating Current Trends that Affect Human Resource Management Population Trends o Demographic trends related to the characteristics of people in a certain population o Growing US population o Balance between young and old people in the US population is changing Labor Force Trends o Trends concerning the number and types of people who are working or looking for work Strategic PartnerConcerned with providing inputs that help and organization put its competitive strategy into actionHuman Capital DeveloperConcerned with facilitating learning and skill developmentFunctional ExpertConcerned with providing technical expertise related to functions such as hiring training and compensatin employeesEmployee AdvocateConcerned with looking out for the interests of employees and ensuring that they are treated fairly Employment Opportunity Trends Education and Training Trends o Trends concerning the types of jobs that will be available in the future o Trends concerning the knowledge and skills workers will need in the future Globalization Trends o Trends concerning the process by which companies move from doing business within one country to doing business within many countries Chapter 3 Most Important U S Employment Laws Can only claim discrimination based on immutable characteristics personal characteristics that cannot reasonably be changed such as race and sex Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 o Focuses specifically on racial discrimination equal opportunity employment o Was a result of the civil rights movement of the 60s which sought to end racial discrimination o Provides protection to people based on 5 specific traits Race Color National origin Religion Gender o These groups are protected classes groups of people such as racial minorities and women who are protected against discrimination by law o Exceptions Companies with fewer than 15 employees Religious institutions o Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC A major part of Title VII EEOC is a federal agency with responsibility to oversee investigate and litigate claims of employment discrimination administrative and judicial enforcements o Discrimination in the context of employment unfair treatment that occurs when people from particular groups are not given the same employment opportunities as people in other groups o Equal employment opportunity Absence of discrimination in the workplace The condition in which people have an equal chance for desirable employment regardless of immutable characteristics o Disparate Treatment The practice of treating job applicants and employees
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