Biological Diversity Final Exam Study Guide Spring 2015 Dr Kershner Plants What is a plant Autotrophs or Heterotrophs What is a mixotroph Provide examples Explain the alternation of generations Define diploid and haploid explain differences what life stages are yielded from both Explain the movement from H2O to land within protists and Bryophytes Include the change of buoyance to gravity and examples of both groups Go over the 5 challenges of this transition gravity water structure nutrient acquisition reproduction Define Bryophytes do they have vascular tissues Give examples What is the dominant generation of moss What is a rhizoid What is a hornwort What is its mutualistic relationship Define Tracheophytes What is the oldest fossil of a vascular plant How old is it Define shoots and roots What is xylem and phloem What is stomata What happens when stomata s are opened closed What is a cuticle Define Pteridophytes What is so unique about them Is the sperm mobile or stationary Give examples of Pteridophytes List the dominant generation of whisk ferns horsetails and ferns Explain fern fertilization including the diploid and haploid forms and where fertilization occurs Define Gymnosperms and give their nickname Gymnosperms gave what huge evolutionary change What kind of Gymnosperms contains the largest and oldest organism Give specific examples What kind of Gymnosperms contains the largest sperm Do they reproduce with cones What kind of Gymnosperms only have one species left in its phyla What do conifers reproduce by and what habitats are they found in Male cones produce which is the male gametophyte Female cones produce which is the female gametophyte Define a seed How are they usually spread What is the endosperm made out of What is a cotyledon List the 4 benefits of seeds Angiosperms are defined by their what What does angio mean What was the biggest evolutionary advancement to seed dispersal What is the dominant generation in pollination List ways of attracting pollinators 5 ways and give examples What attracts hummingbirds bats and bees to pollinators What is the significance of ultraviolet light in pollinators What do they see and how do these images differ than normal What is an anther What does it produce and what gender is it Define pollen grains list how many sperms they carry Explain the role of this in plant reproduction What is a stigma What purpose does it serve What is the gender Be able to identify stigma anthers and ovule List three things that happens when there is successful seed dispersal List the three ways seed dispersal happens by and explain them List the three ways animals disperse seeds What is the parasitic plant we talked about in lecture and how does it disperse its seeds Animals List the 5 characteristics all animals have Can some animals produce asexually If how list the options and define them and give examples List the 5 characteristics that zoologists use to classify animals Phylum Parazoa vs Phylum Eumerazoa define them and give examples Define radial and bilateral symmetry which of these has a true L R and F B List the differences between protostomes and deuterosomes and give examples of both phyla Which item can produce stem cells Define acoelomate pseudocoelomate and coelomates and list the tissues they form between What are the three phyla that are segmented What are the benefits of segmentation ACOELOMATES Parazoa list two characteristics and the two phyla associated with them What is a choanocyte and what do they do List differences between Phylum Porifera and Phylum Placozoa Eumetazoa what is their defining characteristic What phyla does this include and give examples and characteristics of these phyla Describe the two life stages of Cnidarans and list their characteristics What is a nematocyte Define chemosensory and mechanosensory and what do they do to predators Describe the process of nematocyte protection using venom What organisms have nematocytes Describe Irukandji Syndrome Why isn t a Portuguese Man O War classified as a jellyfish What life stage are sea anemones corals and jellyfish are What is the mutualistic relationship between anemones and clown fish Are corals animals List their characteristics and give their symbiotic relationship between protists What is coral bleaching Phylum Ctenophora List the characteristics what is used for locomotion Phylum Platyhelenthies List the characteristics what is the symbiotic relationship like Give examples of them along with how they eat carnivoire detritorve What reproduction do flatworms go through Explain the process Liver flukes list characteristics and give an example of their symbiotic effect What is a Schistosome Explain their sexual dimorphism What is the function of proglottids in tapeworms What is the skolex q Phylum Cycliphora what to they do feed on and when were they discovered PSEUDOCOELOMATES Phylum Nematoda list examples characteristics What is a model organism Why are Nematoda s important in ecosystems Why Antarctica Phylum Rotifera list examples and how they feed and where you will find them COELOMATES Phylum Molluska list examples of organisms Do all Mollusks have shells What are the shells made of What is a radula Do Cephalopods have radulas How do Bivalves feed How do they reproduce What do they look like Can they change form Chitondons what do they look like and what do they eat Class Gastropoda sea slugs how do they use nematocysts Describe their reproduction process What class can change color to indicate emotion Phylum Nemertea give examples and describe the feeding using a projectile proboscis Phylum Annelida give description and examples Describe the Pompeii worm and what class are they in Class Polycheatae why are they extreme Do they have anuses Describe Christmas tree worms why are they cool Bone Eating Snot Flower describe it Ciltellata reproduction what kind of diet how diverse Examples leeches Phylum Arthropoda start of segmentation what is a cephalothorax List the characteristics that make an arthropod an actual arthropod How do these organisms grow How many legs does Class Chelicerata have Explain sexual dimorphism and give examples of species that do this How many legs does Class Hexapoda have List examples of these organisms Class Crustacea give examples and what they dominate Phylum Echinodermata list characteristics and give examples Explain why starfish do not have radial symmetry include their larvae Phylum Chordata list characteristics give examples
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