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Porter MC 2035 Study Guide I Eli Pariser TED Talk Eli Pariser and the Filter Bubble TED Talk a What do Google search results do i Google uses 57 factors to determine your search results they focus on what you click on first and what you search most often based on your behavior and clicking relevance yours is different from your neighbors ii Google s main mission is to MAKE MONEY iii Filter Bubble your own personal universe of info that you live in online what is in it depends on you and what you do you don t pick what gets in you don t see what gets edited out 1 One problem with filter bubble Netflix noticed a divide between future selves and impulsive now selves the best editing gives us the best of both the challenge with these personalized filters is that because they look at what you click on first it can throw off that balance 2 You can become surrounded by information junk food 3 In a broadcast society editors were the gatekeepers who controlled the flow of information then the internet came but we didn t get to handle everything we see torch passed from human gatekeepers to algorithmic gatekeepers If algorithms are going to curate the world we need to make sure that they aren t just keyed to relevance but that they show us things that are uncomfortable 5 We need the new gatekeepers have encoded in them a sense of 4 civic responsibility we need to see what the rules are that determine what gets filtered out we need some control to decide what gets through and what does not b What does the FB newsfeed do i Formulated the same way as Google puts things in that might not even look like ads the NY Times pays for you to see stories they pay for every view they get media model changed not a great equalizer according to whats being paid to be sent to you II Vaidhyanathan Generational Myth a This long ass article basically says not to generalize all young people or a GENERATION as technically proficient most kids don t understand the basics of HTML coding III Schradie s Class Struggle a The class struggle basically refers to the gap between content makers in poor and working class They have less access to technology so they are less active in creating content IV Social Media Conversation a Interactivity b Results of Interactivity i i Interactive When a message is related to a number of previous messages and to the relationship between these messages ii Reactive When a message is relayed only to one previous message iii Non Interactive When a message is not related to previous messages acceptance satisfaction performance Interactivity is associated with quality motivation fun cognition learning openness frankness sociability ii Convince people to interact with your brand in social media by letting customers contribute Consumer control is KEY iii Active control Cognitive Involvement 1 You are more involved when decisions are important to you as an individual 2 Social media necessitates that you create some cognitive involvement by getting people to interact c Layered Experiences i Layer 1 Initial Engagement Location based 1 2 Narrowcast specifically for one person 3 Conversational 4 5 Relevant and Unexpected Integrated into content a Objective is to make the top layer worth most of everything it has to be sufficient by itself so when people don t interact with it it doesn t matter ii Layer 2 Immersive Branding this is once they are into your shit 1 Deeply Interactive 2 On Demand Controllable 3 Personalized a Social Media Objectives i Hierarchy of Effects Awareness down to Persuasion 1 Brand Awareness measures the level of familiarity respondents have within the brand aided and unaided 2 Message Association Measures the extend to which respondents can match the message in the creative to the brand 3 Brand Favorability measures the extent to which respondents have a positive or favorable opinion of the brand 4 Purchase Intent Measures the likelihood of respondents to purchase the brand in the future ii Other Objectives Top Strategic Social Media Objectives OUTCOME to Bottom Tactical Why is the share important to get viewers OUTPUT 1 Awareness 2 Maintain Loyalty 3 Create user advocacy and or advocates 4 Gather non scientific informational research 5 Develop new insights on target market 6 Create buss on branded experience 7 Build incremental reach Increase marketing ROI 8 9 10 Support a new product launch Encourage the share Increase consumer conversations about brand Increase followers and or likes d Social Media Mindset All of the TAO no deletions make amends give credit for shared content understand your audience listen stuff basic i Search Mindset 1 I m in control and usually on a self directed mission a User is in an extreme lean forward mode b Lean forward means to be in control and on a self directed mission c Give them what they are looking for ii Social Mindset 1 I m in control but I don t mind browsing a User is in lean forward mode but more casual b A consumer on Facebook and Instagram must scroll or click so they are not as focused there is an opportunity to send a message to people and catch their attention iii The web is a DEEPLY personal experience because of the close to the screen idea iv Mobile is EVEN MORE PERSONAL V Social Media Content a Interaction vs Conversation i Conversation is a type of Interaction ii You can interact without conversing b Twitter engagement It s about dialogue it is about engagement i ii More about conversation on Twitter and it is real time synchronous 1 Facebook is asynchronous iii It s not a Status 1 Re tweets 78 of user engagement comes from re tweets 2 mentions 3 replies 4 Hat Tips HT 5 Favorites 6 Hashtags 7 Clicks c Types of Facebook interaction i Likes 79 ii Comments 15 iii Shares 6 1 It is all about the share on social media you can reach people unfamiliar with you and shares get you into the newsfeed d Strategies for Effective Tweeting Posting on Facebook i Facebook 1 When should you post according to our last class e Social Media Copy i Social Media Voice a Nights and weekends 2 What should you post a Photos are more effective than videos videos take longer to look at b A combination of long and short links c Questions caption this fill in the blank COMMANDS ii Twitter 1 When should you post a 8 am 7 pm Busy hours during the day 2 How often 1 4 times a day maximum 3 What to tweet a Photos b Tweets that contain links receive are twice as likely to be shared as text 86 higher re tweet rates c Questions caption this fill in the blank

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LSU MC 2035 - Study Guide

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