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STUDY GUIDE 1 When Charlemagne was crowned in 800 C E he was proclaimed as Roman Emperor What was the thinking behind this Was Charlemagne s empire a revival or was it something new What had changed since the fall of the Roman Empire in the West and what impact did Charlemagne s rule have on the course of European history in the Middle Ages New Christianity seat of power is no longer in Rome Charlemagne to his Church A Legitimize his claim a Papal Sanction b Was King of the Franks and crowned emperor of the West in 800 on Christmas day by c Charlemagne becoming Emperor marked the highest expression of restored order in a pope Leo III world w o lasting stability B Both revival and new C People felt time had come for restoration of the Roman Empire but didn t really believe Charlemagne was in power at first Romulus Augustus had been the last Emperor of the West before Charlemagne a Religious aspect of Christianity new b Territorial conquest i Through battles ii Conquered people and then converted them to Christianity iii Armies fought in the summer and returned home in the fall iv Conquered Aquitaine Italy Brittany Hungary and Saxony only two battles with them c Widespread conversion even the Saxons d New language e Uniformity education system i Court culture 1 Charlemagne created an intimate international circle of the king s court with English Italian Irish and Spanish scholars 2 Almost all of these men were churchmen they served not just for the amusement of eking bur were his counselors and took on important church postings and state offices such that of traveling judges or missi dominici ii High standards of clerical practice and thriving written culture of monks and clerics who wrote hundreds of books that laid down essential dogma and raised profound poetic theological and philosophical ideas 1 Charlemagne was convinced that many monks and churchmen were poorly educated in Francia 2 He realized that this could result in error of religious expression and dangerous misunderstandings so he ordered his abbots and bishops to provide education to repair this 3 Education of boys in the basics of Latin far from universal left out poor and women though main goal was to educate boys for the church and state 4 Charlemagne s education emphasis led to several generation of highly literate churchmen and a few educated laymen and women iii Basic print script that we still employ 1 The different scripts were contributing to miscommunication and error 2 790s New script called Caroline Minuscule began to appear This is a small regular script that maintains space between its simply shaped letters and emphasizes legibility f Carolingian writing system i Marked a dividing point in the linguistic history of Europe The medieval version of classical Latin became the official literary language of government learning and the written word D Trade became easier E Carolingian Age a Peasants had more commercial responsibility a Turning point in the fortunes of Europe Especially i Religious renewal ii Material prosperity intellectual drive 2nd half of question A Unified a large part of Western Europe B Brought together the state and Church C Papal States directly governed by the Papacy D 1st see the idea of Germany and France break E Which guy dies that was 2 or 3 kings after Charlemagne Louis the Pious was his son who inherited the Kingdom and then he left it to his oldest son Lothar who didn t want it battle at Fontenoy happened and then the Treaty of Verdun divides the Frankish territories into three parts Lothar middle Charles the Bald the West Louis the German East Lothar held onto his title of emperor though 2 With the cities more or less gone and central governments very weak what economic and political systems did people living in the Middle Ages develop and how did they organize their economic activity What were the religious and political motivations that gave rise to the Crusading movement and what impact did the Crusades have upon societies both in Western Europe and in the East A Political systems a Vassalage a man the vassal swore to commit himself to his lord and perform military service on behalf of the lord the lord promised him protection and granted him land along with the people bound to that piece of land b Manorialism a lord owned a manor and had rights over that manor and the peasants attached to that manor B Feudalism a Serfs were bound to the land and worked for the lord b Worked and produced crops political system c Patrons lords protect people from outside and married the serfs d Serfs prepared the farm and repaired it C Causes for crusades a Religious i Rise in population need more land for crops and the feudal lords were fighting each other over lands end fighting with fighting ii Heretics sprang up in Europe groups rejected the old doctrines of god a man proclaimed he was Jesus iii The Seljuk Turks took hold of most of the holy land and imposed a strict version of Islam more violent than the Arabs who had been there Persecuted Christians in the holy land wanted to restore the Holy Land iv Get rid of the knights that were pillaging especially the 2nd and 3rd sons who had to make a name for themselves unlike the first son of the family who was given land v Wealth b Economic Europe went through a warm period so agricultural boomed people started looking at nature as a blessing created windmills and watermills new technological advances appeared i Thanks to these improvements peoples health improved so birth rates improved and the population grew fast ii The growth in population produced many youths most did not inherit land or title so there were young nobles trained to fight looking for war and land D Impacts on east west a East i The holy land was restored to the Christians approx 10 000 Muslims were killed Jerusalem was pillaged b West i Exchange of ideas for trade Pope will have more power with his own army c Remember Byzantines calling for help Battle of Mankzert in 1071 3 What were some of the factors that led to a rise in population and the re urbanization of Europe during the High Middle Ages What were some of the notable institutions and structures that came out of this revival How did people in the High Middle Ages benefit from advances in the fields of learning and also technological innovations and what were some of the ways things began to go wrong in the 14th century A Rise in population re urbanization a Agriculture advances i New technology horses used to

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