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Science and Philosophy The Pre Socratics Ionia 6 5th century BCE Search for explanations based on the national world o Anaximander Whirling motion divides into hot heavens the cold earth further division into wet oceans and dry land o Four elements air fire water and earth o Leucippus and Democritus matter made of indivisible particles called atoms atoms disaggregate and are redistributed after death Socrates Oracle at Delphi calls him the wisest man Socractic Method Students Plato Alcibiades o Some of the Thirty Tyrants were also his students Believes there is a basic truth everyone can learn Doesn t charge for his beliefs Believes that if people began to question what they believe is true they will find that it doesn t make sense it s only just knowledge passed down to them because it s been the way they ve always done it Public gadfly condemned on charges of immorality o Had to choose between exile or death chose death drank hemlock Drank it then did a lecture for his students died while teaching them that s so metal o Context Athens loss in Peloponnesian War He was blamed for corrupting the youth and lowering morale Plato 430 347 BCE Systematized Socratic thought Established the Academy ca 385 BCE The Republic o Setting up ideal state Ruled by philosopher king and queens Not democracy Knowledge and virtue go hand in hand There are warrior protectors Most will be manual laborers believes most people do not have the capacity for The Cave rule higher thought o People are tied facing a wall only see shadows playing on a wall o People believe this is all there is o If someone were to break free they d realize there was more o It d be different eyes are not adjusted to sunlight o But once they made it out the cave they d realize there s a whole other world out there o The new philosopher should come back and educated former peers They d be angry and he d be outcasted Philosopher wouldn t be able to see the shadows like he used to as he knows too much now Theory of Forms Ideas o Other world where the real are o Our world is an imperfect corrupted one Aristotle 389 322 BCE Student of Plato Broke w the Theory of Forms Ideas Emphasis on empirical findings reason Massive impact on Western thought o Categories of rule o Politics Interested in figuring out the world and how it works o Animals gets eggs at varies stages of development and breaks them open Politics o Sends students out to various Greek city states Has them collect history current type of government how the government runs how the city state is doing currently Figures out if they ll last or crumble o Breaks ruling into 3 categories Rule of 1 monarchy Rule of many oligarchy Rule of all democracy Role of individual in state and family o Fulfilling life in the best way possible is by living in the polis DO EVERYTHING FOR YOUR COUNTRY Theater Entertainment religious elements dionysia Major playwrights 5th c BCE o Aeschylus Oresteia Agamemnon Eucenidies Clytemnestra Iphigenia Orestes Furies Apollo Athena o Sophocles Theban Plays Oedipus Rex Antigone Oedipus Laius Jocasta Creon Themes o Euripides Bacchae o Family relations o Duty to the state o Duty to father vs duty to mother o Fate vs free will o Honor Comedy Aristophanes o Clouds Lysistrata After Peloponnesian War Athens throws out Thirty Tyrants re establishes democracy o Weaker than before the war Sparta and Persia o Takes side in Persian civil war then makes failed attacks on Persia o Sparta is weakened after winning the war Inequality and unrest at home wealth not supposed to matter Corinthian War o Corinth Thebes Athens and Argos against Sparta o Sparta wins battles but Is weakened Kingdom of Macedon Frontier region to north of Peloponnesus o Considered barbarians by Greeks Phillip II r 359 336 BCE o Takes kingship from nephew builds massive military o Encroaches on Greeks poleis to the south controls region by 338 BCE Demosthenes the Philippies which now means a harsh argument against a person Warns Greeks about Phillip ends every single speech ever regardless of topic about how Phillip must be stopped o Plans invasion of Persia o Assassination by bodyguard Alexander the Great of Macedon 356 323 BCE No one knows why for sure maybe personal reasons hired by Persians Son of Phillip II Enslaves and destroys Thebes for result Persian invasion 334 BCE o Avenging Greece o Needs Persian wealth o Darius III flees and Alexander turns himself into the protector of Persian royal family Egyptian campaign o Libyan oracle greets him as son of Ra Zeus Complicates things as Greeks don t see their rulers as descendants of gods Its all a part of his plan to create a certain image as a ruler of a large empire Resumes pursuit of Darius III o Darius flees at Gaugamela 331 o Alexander takes Babylon Persepolis o Mutiny against Darius Alexander gives him a state burial to honor him Greek and Asian persona o Robes proskynesis bowing or more elaborate rituals of showing obeduance Asian subjects were used to this Greek subjects were not o Marriage to Bactrian princess Goal of controlling land to Indus River o Revolt of soldiers Forces Alexander to turn back Death after huge banquet during preparation for invasion of Arabia o Drank too much and died of something Malaria No one knows Influence of Alexander Creation of Hellenistic cultures o Mix of Persian Greek Indian cultures Mass marriages of Greek soldiers to Persian women Founded Greek trading posts throughout his empire Hellenistic Empires After Alexander s death competition for empire erupted o Wife and son murdered Divided by generals o Antigonus Greece and Macedon o Ptolemy Egypt o Seleucus Persian and Achaemenid Empires Economic integration intellectual cross fertilization Ptolemaic Empire Wealthiest of the empires Established state monopolies for a stable flow of income o Mining o Textiles o Salt o Beer Capital Alexandria o Important port city o Major museum library Dynasty continues through death of Cleopatra 31 BCE Seleucid Empire Massive colonization of Greeks Export of Greek culture values as far as east India o Bactria o Ashoka legislates in Greek and Aramaic o Gives way to Parthian domination by mid 3rd c BCE Antigonid Empire Smallest empire Local dissent Greek unhappy with Macedonian rule Issue of land distribution o Heavily colonizing activity relieves population pressures Falls to Romans mid 2nd c BCE Ancient Rome Foundation Legends Founding of city 753 BCE o Romulus and Remus Sons of a Vestal Virgin her uncle is a usurper and

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LSU HIST 1001 - Science and Philosophy

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