Comm 320 Exam 4 Maryann Valentine Advertising research Copy Research research on preliminary or finished ads often known as EVALUATIVE RESEARCH Why do copy research Account team wants assurance that the ad doesn t what its supposed to do the client wants to see how well a particular ad scores against the average commercial of its type copy test ARE normative tests creative don t like copy testing because it creates a report card they resent getting report cards from people in suits copy testing research is a good idea most of the time but most of the time it is not done properly What should be measured Attitudes memory and behavioral intentions OR three psychological areas of impact Cognitive attention comprehension Memory recognition and recall awareness persuasion cognitive and attitude changes Affective attitude change liking disliking Behavioral intentions intention to buy and purchase behavior Copy Research Communication Tests are consumers getting the message or can it be misinterpreted How would you conduct such a test Resonance Test who what extent does the ad ring true Also aimed to reveal feelings and emotion toward Thought listings determine the thoughts that occur during exposure Emory tests recall or recognition how much does the viewer remember from the message Unaided vs aided recall recognition naturalistic settings embedded ads time lag Example eye tracking to determine which parts of ad is noticed Theatre test frame by frame tests live dial test problems and limitations in this test you get the consumers before you launch the campaign and you show them the commercial and consumers have to turn the dial if they really like the ad or opposite way to dislike it you feed all of this information into a computer and it produces a charter that goes up and down higher the line more group liked the commercial at end run several groups and it s a summary data can see when there attention peeks and fluctuates not as interested Physiological test eye tracking brain sans and physiological responses such as pupil meter test Heart rate galvanic skin response what component do they measure Frame by frame tests thought to assess emotional responses to commercials should be interpreted as measures of spontaneous evaluation can guide message design and editing just like eye tracking test Message testing NO SINGLE METHOD IS PERFECT researchers are employing more naturalistic methods to understand how people use media Supplemental material copy testing coming to A Consensus coalition of 21 large ad agencies developed the Positioning advertising copy testing PACT to set guidelines effort to resolve some of the common concerns about ad copy testings 9 principles Copy Testing the 9 PACT Principles Positioning Advertising Copy Testing 1 Provide measurements that are relevant to the objective of the ad 2 Have agreement in advance on how the results will be used 3 Provide multiple measurements of an ad 4 Base test on a model of human response to comm affects of stimulus on the eyes and ers RECEIVED On the mind UNDERSTOOD On the heart IMPRESSES GETS RESPONSE 5 Consider if ad should be exposed more than once 6 Recognize the more finished tested copy is the better it can be evaluated When and what to measure 7 Provide controls to prevent biasing effects of exposure environment 8 Take into account sample selection 9 Demonstrate reliability and validity of the copy testing procedure Creativity THE IPOD first thing to let you listen to your music and take it with you wherever you want No the mp3 player was available as well BUT DID NOT have great advertising to inform people about what it can do it was unknown Creativity matters It helps the ad break though clutter it can enhance memory it can instill liking it raises the prestige of the agency it can invigorate boring brands it can position new brands successfully ONLY if the ad gets results Novelty and originality Certainly but also relevance of the product and consumer i e creative ads must be focused on getting results The Creative team Copywriter Art Director Media account planner Creative Team Objective 1 Generate brand recall Method A Repetition Recall goal top of mind influences the evoked set repetition can cocur within ad or over the entire campaign recall does not guarantee success but it increases the chance of attitude or behavior change You can change either one of these or both When you change the way people think about the brand has several goals you leave a memory chase you establish an Evoked set consideration set is the brands you consider buying EXAMPLE kibbles and bits repeated kibbles and bits like 10x in the commercial so you know the brand Method B slogan and Jingle Ads This establishes a long term position for the brand and increases brand loyalty and aren t confused about what the brand means EXAMPLE like a good neighbor state farm is there You re in good hands Allstate only work if developed well and consistent 1 must be short 2 general enough to establish changes capture the essence 3 differentiate the position objective 2 link attributes with brand name Method D USP unique selling proposition emphasizes one and only one brand attribute based on benefit positioning EXAMPLE car crushed in picture statement says not a Volvo the way they position this brand shows how volvo s are very safe Objective 3 persuade the consumer Method E reasoning why advertising builds a case for the product in a logical manner problem is this strategy only works sometimes and studies show sometimes it doesn t work at all Clicker why ads are most effective when the consumer s involvement with the ad and the purchase is Answer high you have to process it cognitively Method G comparative advertising Method H testimonials aka endorsements celeb endorsements are because of attractiveness expert endorsements are because of credibility expertise average users are because of identification in group bias ADVANTAGES easy to process ads few counter arguments show in the ad who the user WANTS to be not who they are children want to be older so put a little older kid in there ELM 2 types of information processing Type 1 Central full attention is devoted to the message people read everything carefully listen to the words evaluate the logic of ad by processing most of its elements Type 2 Peripheral the focus of attention is on something else people only casually they notice GET NOTES FROM 4 9 and 4 13 Emotional Connections Method L Humorous ads one
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