The Crusades continued Why was the West successful The Arabs world was divided Aftermath of Fall of Jerusalem Alexios Makes the Westerners take an oath to turn whatever land they conquer over to the Byzantines Crusader states Tiny European kingdoms ruled by European lords and armies o Examples Armenian Cilicia Antinoch Tripoli Jerusalem Edessa Large migrations from Europe to Holy Land European settlements Increased Pilgrimages now that Jerusalem is safe Euro Arabic Europeans born and raised in Arab world Trading Relationship European travelers establish themselves and this leads to Europe discovering new commodities like sugar Looked over trade route Represents new form of technology built out of stone when other European fortresses used to be made from wood Raymond of Toulouse gets disgusted with how Europeans act after Jerusalem falls so he goes back home Creates a significant economic cultural bond Castle Fortresses o Example Krak des Chevaliers Increase in Pilgrims discussed earlier European Middle Eastern Trade Islam Divided Who is going to be King of Jerusalem Who throws out the Europeans Saladin Salah al din Saladin 1138 1193 AD Unifier of Islam Problems Islam Divided 1 2 Crusader States Hide behind castles Christian army of Jerusalem is lured out of the fortress and is attacked and destroyed Solutions 1 Jihad personal struggle Transformed into holy struggle 2 Luring Crusaders into the open Example The Battle of Hattin Loss of Jerusalem End of 1st Crusade How do Europeans explain loss of Jerusalem Anti Semitism they take the battle somewhere else Heretical Christians o Insufficiently pious they need to worry about the heretics in their own country before o Example Albigensians leaving Carcassonne 1209 Albigensians do not follow the rules of the Catholic church There were many other Crusades but none were nearly as successful as the first Important point Europe is able to mount these expeditions This shows the increased progression of Europe Effects of Crusades on Islam Hostile attitudes towards the West o When the Arabs used to think of Christians they would think of the Byzantines Now they think of the Western Christians who slaughtered all of Jerusalem Weakens Arab world in advance of Mongols o What triggers the fall of importance of the Arab world The Mongols The Crusades do not have a significant effect on the Arabs Effects of Crusades on Europe Christian Schism Widens o Increases conflict between Constantinople and Rome Rome where was the help when Saladin attacked Constantinople where s the land you swore to us Opportunity to imitate Islamic world o Scholars learned from Arab world Trade connections with the East o Increase appetite for consumer goods Mathematics Algebra and works by Plato and Socrates Like silk cotton textiles oranges coffee o Tribalism Globalism Self sufficient Commercial Dependence Survival of Christianity o Crusades represent survival of Christianity o Real threat doesn t come from Arabs comes from the Ottoman Turks later The Americas save Europe from the Ottomans but that is a different story The Mongol Interlude 1200 1350 AD Lecture Outline Reassessment of Mongol s Place in history Effects of Mongol rule Consequences of Mongol decline o Closest to global organization Genghis Khan Created a system of Global Trade Grew up on harsh steppe lands of Asia Great unifier of Mongols and other Nomads Mongol Conquest Genghis Khan led raiding parties into China Simpler way to provide his people with goods He notices the trade artery so he plans to conquer it and tax the people that travel along it Example of conquering the Silk Road Bukhara Khan sends messengers into city Messenger tells the king that they will be spared if they submit but if they resist they will burn the kingdom slaughter the people and leave nothing but ash King slaughters all messengers but one and sends the one back to Khan The Mongols take the city and make an example of the king by melting coins and pouring the liquid into his ears and eyes Why were the Mongols successful They mastered the art of Psychological Terror Mongol Rule in China Pragmatic Confucianism o They were not ideologically driven They allowed China to run as it had always been o Only asked that the people followed Mongol law and paid taxes Import semu ren o Top Mongol overlords o Semu ren overseer Blue eyed foreigner o Bottom Confucian Bureaucrats Economy Flourshers Mongol Chinese tensions o China is already very well off so the Mongols didn t interfere with the economy o Chinese hated Mongols because they were uncivilized o Used subtle resistance in plays other cultural things since Mongols were illiterate and could not speak Chinese
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