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Chapter four continued Corpus callosum connects two hemispheres Split brains cutting the corpus callosum Left Hemisphere cognitive skills rational and analytic abilities Language math Right Hemisphere spatial visual tasks facial recognition creation appreciation of art and music Plasticity The ability to adapt in response to experience new neural connections Culture shapes the brain in perception problem solving language and thinking Differences in the brains of men and women Chapter 5 Consciousness our awareness of ourselves and the environment Biological rhythms a periodic more or less regular fluctuation in biological system Circadian rhythm a biological rhythm with a period of about 24 hours Suprachiasmatic nucleus SCN holds biological clock Internal Desynchronization biological rhythms are not in phase with each other Influenced by changes in routine like flights across time zones or new work shifts Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD depression during the winter and improved mood in the spring Amount of sunlight Causes circadian rhythms out of phase abnormality in secretion of melatonin Rhythms of sleep Sleep cycle consists of o Rapid Eye Movement REM sleep o Periods of fewer eye movements non REM sleep o recurs on average every 90 minutes Step one small irregular brain waves light sleep Stage 2 sleep spindles minor noises won t disturb you Stage 3 Delta waves begin brahing and pulse slow down Stage 4 Mostly delta waves deep sleep REM Sleep rapid eye movements increased heart rate blood pressure limp muscles increased dreaming Sleep is necessary for body restoration and normal mental functioning Sleeplessness Sleep disorders Decreases Hormone levels needed for muscle development and immune system functioning Decreases Mental flexibility attention creativity Increases level or stress hormone cortisol Sleep apnea breathing briefly stops during sleep causing the person to choke and gasp and Narcolepsy Sudden and unpredictable daytime attacks of sleepiness or lapses into REM momentarily waken sleep REM behavior disorder muscle paralysis that normally occurs during REM sleep is absent incomplete can act out his or her dreams Mental Benefits of Sleep Consolidation of memories Subsequent insight and problem solving Benefits associated with REM sleep and slow wave sleep Dreams as unconscious wishes Psychoanalytic approach Dreams express forbidden or unrealistic wishes and desires that have been o Forced into the unconscious part of the mind o Disguised as symbolic images Dreams as efforts to deal with problems Problem focused approach Dreams reflect ongoing conscious issues May help solve problems and work through emotional issues Dreams as thinking cognitive theory external stimulation Dreams are the same kind of activity we engage in while awake but the brain is cut off from Dreams as interpreted Brain Activity activation synthesis throry Neurons fire spontaneously in the pons sends signals with no psychological meaning to the cortex The riddle of hypnosis

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