Marketing Research Test Number 2 Study Guide Chapter 5 Collecting Primary Data by Observation Types of primary data 1 Demographic Socioeconomic characteristics include income education gender age social class occupation marital status Often used as basis for market segmentation 2 Personality lifestyle normal patterns of behavior exhibited by an individual the attributes traits and mannerisms that distinguish one individual from another Include activities interests values and personality traits o Lifestyle Psychographic analysis idea that a company can be more successful if it knows more about how its customers live what they like and are interested in 3 Attitude an individual s overall evaluation of something Big decline in positive attitude towards brands lately 4 Awareness knowledge insight into or understanding of facts about some object or phenomenon Refers to what respondents do and do not know or believe about some product brand advertisement or other element Unaided recall no hints provided Aided recall hints are provided Both unaided and aided recall measures reflect more knowledge and retention than simple recognition Recognition show you an AD and ask if you remember seeing it Day after recall a survey taken the day following the airing of a new ad Indirect test of memory instead of asking about Ad might ask you to list brand names of shoes etc 5 Intentions anticipated or planned future behavior Often big difference between what people say they will do and what they actually do 6 Motive a need want drive urge wish desire impulse or any inner state that energizes activates or moves and that directs behavior toward goals Why people do what they do What is the driving force Ex Why you bought a sports car over an SUV 7 Behavior what individuals have done or are doing o Purchase and use behavior o Studying behavior what how much how where when and who o Behavioral data can be obtained by observing behaviors or by asking respondents to remember and report their behaviors o Scanner data is the most common behavioral data Two methods of obtaining primary data 1 Communication involves questioning of respondents to secure the desired information using a data collection instrument called a questionnaire o Advantages versatility speed cost o Known as survey research 2 Observation a method of data collection in which the situation of interest is watched and the relevant facts actions or behaviors are recorded Ex Scanners can tell us how many boxes of a product sold in a specific region in a specific week No questioning Advantages Typically more objective and accurate Versatility refers to the ability to collect information on the different types of primary data that marketers care about Communication provides more versatility Can simply ask any information you want to find Observation not as versatile Cannot observe past actions intentions motives etc Communication is usually the faster and least costly method of collecting data Observation is more objective and accurate because it does not depend upon the respondent s willingness and ability to provide the information needed Observational research Observational Research is better for generating data about what people do Past behavior best predictor of future behavior Observation Structured vs Unstructured Observation Structured observation the problem has been defined precisely enough so that the behaviors that will be observed can be specified beforehand as can the categories that will be used to record and analyze the situation More likely in descriptive and causal research Observe specific things Unstructured observation the problem has not been specifically defined so a great deal of flexibility is allowed the observers in terms of what they note and record More likely in exploratory research Observation without specific instructions or guidelines Disguised vs Undisguised Observation Undisguised observation the subjects are aware that they are being observed Disguised observation the subjects are not aware that they are being observed Usually leads to more natural and accurate observation Ethical issues can be a problem with it Natural vs Contrived Setting for Observation Natural setting subjects are observed in the environment where the behavior normally takes place Ex Slightly alter the natural setting by putting a point of purchase display in the aisle and observing the effects it has on purchasing behaviors A more accurate way of gathering data Contrived setting subjects are observed in an environment that has been specially designed for recording their behavior o Ex Observe person buying can goods Advantage is controlling outside influences that might affect the observed behaviors Do not have to wait for events to occur Human vs Mechanical Observation Human observation individuals are trained to systematically observe a phenomenon and to record on the observational form the specific events that take place Electrical or Mechanical observation an electrical or mechanical device observes a phenomenon and records the events that take place for analysis Bar code scanners One of the most important People meters tracks which family members watch what shows and when most reliable when measuring viewing behavior Response latency the amount of time a respondent deliberates before answering a question Can give insight into how certain individual feels about his response Using mechanical observation in advertising tests Galvanometer a device used to measure changes in the electrical resistance of the skin that are associated with changed in emotion in response to seeing or hearing an ad Voice pitch analysis analysis that examines changes in the relative frequency of the human voice that accompany emotional arousal Eye tracker camera a device used by researchers to study a subjects eye movements while he or she is reading advertising copy Fixation where a subjects eye is focused Saccade where the subjects eye moves where it looks how long etc Chapter 6 Collecting Primary Data by Communication Three Key decisions with regards to Communication 1 Degree of structure to use 2 Whether to disguise the questionnaire 3 Which method to use Structured vs Unstructured Communication Structure the degree of standardization used with the data collection instrument Obtaining factual information age education home ownership etc Simpler to administered Fixed alternative question a question in which the responses are limited to stated alternatives Ex
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