Chapter 1 Life Biological Principles and the Science of Zoology BIO 120 Reading Guide All of your responses should define key terms that are necessary for understanding the concepts described 1 List and explain the eight general properties of living systems 1 Chemical Uniqueness Living Systems demonstrate a unique and complex molecular 2 Complexity and hierarchical organization Living Systems demonstrate a unique and organization macromolecules complex hierarchical organization macromolecules cells organisms populations and species all living things made of cells different levels are composed of the units of lower ones emergent properties new properties that arise in each level 3 Reproduction Living Systems can reproduce themselves 4 Possession of a Genetic Program A genetic program provides fidelity of inheritance inheritance is provided DNA RNA proteins do everything in body make up all parts their environments chemical processes for maintaining a living system 5 Metabolism Living organisms maintain themselves by acquiring nutrients from 6 Development All organisms pass through a characteristic life cycle metamorphosis 7 Environmental Interaction All animals interact with their environments ecology 8 Movement Living Systems and their parts show precise and controlled movements arising from within the system 2 Define the first and second laws of thermodynamics Explain how they relate to animals First Law law of conservation of energy energy is neither created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another in a closed system ex plants transform energy and that energy is used by other animals and that energy is used by animals that eat those animals Second Law physical systems proceed toward a state of greater disorder entropy spontaneous changes that do not require outside energy increase entropy and decrease free energy of the universe when is it spontaneous when potential energy will decrease and entropy will increase ex perpetual use and dissipation of energy heat released How do these relate to animals 1st use energy to maintain order aka eat own order rises universe order decreases increase universal entropy lose energy as heat eat again 3 Zoology is the biological study of animals What is an animal Animals are eukaryotic and need to intake other organisms eat ingest animals are distinguished by absence of characteristics that have evolved in other eukaryotes but not in animals aka cell walls photosynthesis in plants Overton 4 List and explain the essential characteristics of science as identified by Judge William 1 It is guided by natural law physical chemical laws that govern existence 2 It has to be explanatory by reference to natural law no intervention by supernatural 3 It is testable against the observable world willing to modify if contradicted 4 Its conclusions are tentative and therefore not necessarily the final word must be 5 It is falsifiable able to be proven wrong 5 Explain the process known as the hypothetico deductive method aka scientific method generate possible hypotheses potential answers to a question being asked Steps Observation Question Hypothesis must be testable and falsifiable Empirical Test Conclusions Publication continues with peer review conference presentations and funding grants 6 Compare contrast hypotheses and theories Hypotheses suggested explanation for an observable phenomenon or prediction of a possible causal correlation among multiple phenomena Theories a well substantiated unifying explanation for a set of verified proven hypotheses a well tested explanation both are testable and falsifiable but theories have more substantial evidence Law observation about something that happens naturally law theories and hypotheses can t turn into one another multiple tests causes hypothesis theory 7 Compare contrast experimental and comparative methods How are these related to proximate and ultimate causes Experimental tests mechanistic explanations of a biological system do an experiment Comparative compare characteristics of cell biology development and ecology among related species to identify their patterns of variation looks at evolutionary trees to see relationships b w animals Immediate proximate causes relates to experimental method how animals perform functions at a specific time and place Ultimate causes relates to comparative methods how biological systems are produced through evolutionary time 8 Describe the five major theories that encompass Darwin s theory of evolution as with continuity b w past and present identified by Ernst Mayr 1 Perpetual Change world is not constant or perpetually cycling but always changing 2 Common Descent all life descend from common ancestor 3 Multiplication of Species evolution produces new species by splitting and 4 Gradualism large changes that produce new species happen with many small 5 Natural Selection favorable traits spread through population nature values ones transforming new ones changes over a long period of time most likely to survive new species created through small changes
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