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SYP3730 Study Guide Question 1 The Day of the Dead is a celebration in which culture C Mexican culture Question 2 Death was transformed in the United States in the nineteenth century Which of the following factors was not part of this transformation D There was a decline in deaths from chronic disease and an increase in deaths from acute illness early in life Question 3 The physician Elizabeth Kubler Ross identified five stages of dying Which of the following is NOT one of those five stages C confusion Question 4 In which of Kubler Ross stages does a person promise good behavior in the hope God will grant an extension of life A bargaining Question 5 In a individuals specify their wish for medical treatment in advance B living will Question 6 Which group has the highest rate of suicide among those aged 65 and older according to the U S Census Bureau C White men Question 7 A main component of the hospice philosophy is A pain management Question 8 What is the most frequently diagnosed psychiatric disorder among the elderly D depression Question 9 One study looked at how marital quality affected how men and women adjusted to widowhood Which of the following statements is false A Those who had had conflicted marriages had the poorest adjustment to widowhood Question 10 Which is not one of the reasons why men often have more trouble adjusting to widowhood than women C Most older men have not had close relationships with their wives Question 11 Hospices do NOT provide which of the following services C funeral planning Question 12 The tax that pays for social security is B payroll tax Question 13 Which of the following trends is false regarding the cohort that reached adulthood in the 1950s D They had low birth rates Question 14 One of the recommendations to preserve Social Security is to raise the age for full benefits to 70 A likely consequence of raising it to this age is B racial and ethnic inequality among older Americans could worsen Question 15 One option for Social Security reform is means testing where higher income seniors would not receive benefits A major objection to means testing Social Security benefits is that A it would discourage savings Question 16 One option for Social Security reform is privatization One country that currently has a privatization program is C Chile Question 17 Which of the following is not a characteristic of defined benefit plans D Individuals are responsible for investing the funds in the stock market on their own Question 18 Older adults have numerous sources of income but there is inequality by race and ethnicity The largest source of ethnic racial disparity in sources of income is from C assets Question 19 Among older men and women regardless of ethnic group women are less likely to receive income from A pensions Question 20 One recommendation to achieve gender inequality in Social Security benefits is to take into account the differences between men and women in work histories and compensate the disadvantaged gender This is referred to as C gender recognition Question 21 Poverty rises among women if they divorce Which of the following statements is NOT part of the eligibility requirement for spousal benefit after a divorce D May not be currently employed Question 22 The current spouse and survivor benefits are based on a particular family type It is the A nuclear traditional family Question 23 Home ownership represents the single most important asset of Americans All of the following are reasons African Americans have lower housing wealth except C preference among African Americans for living in racially segregated neighborhoods Question 24 Many older Hispanic Latinos are ineligible for Medicare due to B employment in occupations not covered by Social Security Question 25 Prosperity among some Asian groups can be explained by the high value they place on D education Question 26 Older people do not usually engage in bloc voting because D they are diverse in income social class education and health Question 27 The largest senior voluntary organization is the B AARP Question 28 The organization that was created by AFL CIO to lobby for Medicare is the A National Council of Senior Citizens Question 29 The main role of old age interest groups has been that of C protecting existing benefits Question 30 The first social movement of older people was the D Townsend Movement Question 31 An example of an entitlement program is C Medicare Question 32 The major issue in the generational equity debate is that there is more spending by the government for the elderly than for the youth An international study on trends in spending on children and the elderly in Western nations found A high spending for the elderly was not associated with low spending on children Question 33 In 1900 more than half of deaths involved individuals 14 years old or younger Now most deaths occur in old age The shift in the proportion of deaths among the young and the elderly is called B epidemiologic transition Question 34 Which group is most likely to discuss treatment preferences before death to complete a living will and to give power of attorney over their affairs to a relative B Whites Question 35 Which group is most likely to register to vote and most likely to vote D age 64 75 Question 36 In some societies the dead are considered members of the community They may serve as intermediaries between the world of the living and dead True Question 37 The lowest suicide rates occur among divorced and widowed men False Question 38 According to some research the loss of a father is more upsetting than the loss of a mother False Question 39 Vesting is an important requirement for eligibility for a defined benefit plan True Question 40 The elderly today have fewer sources of income compared to the elderly of the 1960s False Question 41 Public support for Social Security is low False Question 42 Dual entitlement under Social Security refers to people who have worked outside the home and are eligible for benefits based on work history as well as for benefits for being a spouse True Question 43 The Federal Reserve found home mortgage discrimination against African Americans was rare in the nation s banking system False Question 44 Marriage has a positive effect on a woman s finances in old age True Question 45 The loss of net worth in widowhood is greater among African American women compared to white women True Question 46 Older people are much less likely than young people to register and

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