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Chapter 10 Developing Employees and Their Careers 1 What is employee development Involves activities that influence employee personal and professional growth How is employee development different from training Development activities help employees learn skills that will be helpful in future jobs This differs form training which is concerned with ensuring that employees have the knowledge and skills to perform their current jobs How is employee development strategic When developmental practices help the organization maintain a continual supply of talented and committed employees Free agent and Bargain laborer Relay on external labor for their talent 2 Unlikely to invest on employee s long term development but may offer development that supports training not extensive or complex Bargain laborer Free agent Invest more in development to ensure their development efforts look attractive to employees who are willing to make job transitions Loyal Soldier and Committed expert Relay on internal supplies of labor to fill positions Extensive Development programs Offer enough development opportunities learn grow advance Provide assessment feedback job experiences and relationships Differentiation and Cost strategy Both must attract and retain high performers o Cost Strategy Development cost low Efforts not expensive Use work experiences as development program Loyal Soldier and Bargain laborer o Differentiation Use development to increase quality service and innovation Focus on competitive advantage Use formal education feedback relationships How can organization help employees develop 1 Formal education Includes formal learning experiences such as training courses that can be single or series of events that must help employees learn skills relevant in future work Courses help employee gain public recognition in the form of certificate or license 3 Courses Designed for the employees Offered by consultants trade orgs and universities Offer programs to help the org accomplish goals Orgs offer development through low cost providers and preferred skills Involve lecture discussion simulation other learning activities Certification and Licensing Earn by demonstrating competence in a particular area of professional practice 1 Certification An optional designation of competence within a professional field No legal requirement to obtain certification Still valuable and demonstrate general knowledge and competence in the are certified HR offer 3 Certificates i PHR ii SPHR iii GPHR 2 Licenses A required designation of competence within a professional field Are regulated by state governments some fields require license to legally conduct business doctors real state 2 Assessment and feedback Using assessment and feedback involves collecting info and provide feedback to employees about their interest personality and behavior skills and preferences Feedback Help employees understand what type of work they should choose to experience a good fit between interest skills and work demands Helps employees determine the types of development activities they should pursue 4 Assessments 1 Career Assessment Holland Typology In the area of career interest and fit assessment instruments are based in the A classification of people s values interest and skills and job environments The typology asserts that people will be satisfied and more successful in jobs that match their characteristics o Assessment tool develop by John Holland o It identifies 6 personality types Investigative Technic and Science Realistic Mechanics Farmers Artistic Dancers actors writers Social Teachers and Counselors Enterprising Producers reps promoters Conventional Bankers Secretary o Correspond to 6 different job environments o One instrument based on this typology is the Self Directed Search SDS That helps gain insight into interest skills and desired work conditions o The instrument is a simple pencil and paper measure 2 Multisource Assessment Involves having supervisors peers subordinates and costumers answering questions about the employee 5 Raters are asked to evaluate the person along a number of different dimensions We can use the Manager View 360 Instrument o Measure 20 managerial competencies in 4 major areas 1 Task leadership 2 Problem solving 3 Communication 4 Interpersonal o Identify strengths and weaknesses o Need training o Works bets with reliable ratings o Does not result always in outcomes 3 Work experiences Low cost Include Job Enrichment The addition of new challenges or new responsibilities to jobs Lateral moves a job change that involves change in duties without increase in pay responsibility and status o Involve A project assignment outside regular duties Role Switch take other employees responsibility o It motivates Job Rotations Lateral move Are temporary work assignments in which employees are expected to move through multiple jobs in a period of time 6 Employees with frequent rotations have greater salary growth gain knowledge and The company benefits by showing the employee what the company does and knowledge and satisfaction develop relationship with coworkers Job Transfer Lateral move Permanent lateral moves made for the purpose of developing a new knowledge and skill Upward moves Called promotions involves an increase in responsibility pay and status Employees welcome promotions as developmental opportunities Employees receive rewards while being challenge and learning Downward move demotion Involves taking a job with less responsibility and authority Employees are resistant to downward moves Loose pay and responsibility A downward move may be necessary for a person to gain knowledge and skills in a new area its good when temporary Not every job experience results in learning and growth Simply adding more work or changing job title does not promote employee development The greatest learning occur when job experiences provide greater authority require skill to create change and persuasion to get thing done 4 Developmental relationships Are relationships that provide support and encouragement for personal and professional growth Involved assign mentors supervisors coworkers and subordinates Coaching Coaches equip people with tools and knowledge 7 Coaches can be professionals who work outside the company or employees responsible for improving other employees performance Professional coaching is the most common to solve performance problem of senior Big business managers and executives What does a good coach do o

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FSU MAN 4301 - Chapter 10 Developing Employees and Their Careers

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