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Study Guide Exam 3 1 What is the definition of a migratory stream Migratory Stream the movement of older people to the Sun Belt They come from many states but their destination is specific places with a warm climate and reasonably priced retirement housing 2 What are assisted living facilities How do they differ from nursing homes Assisted living facilities are intermediate levels of care higher than at home care but not as high as nursing homes Most ALFs provide meals personal care limited medical assistance housekeeping utilities social activities transportation and security Unlike nursing homes ALF s do not usually offer personal care and studies suggest that it is a transitional period between at home living and a nursing home 3 What are continuing care retirement communities CCRC s grew out of the life care concept developed by religious groups for the care of aging lay people and clergy Today a typical CCRC provides a continuum of housing arrangements and services from independent living to assisted living and skilled nursing care Most CCRCs ask residents to pay an up front fee and a continuing monthly fee which includes rent utilities one meal a day access to a health clinic and transportation 4 What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of continuing care retirement communities Advantages of CCRC s Many communities include on site recreational facilities and social activities offer the ability to easily transition into a different unit upon the requirement of more health services and offer friendship networks at convenience Disadvantages of CCRC s Downsizing getting rid of belongings as the elderly transition to a more modern living environment can be difficult The loss of friends community and familiar surroundings can be difficult An independent living community offers many of the same amenities provided in other long term care communities together with activities geared toward a younger healthier clientele In addition to staples such as bingo bridge and shuffleboard these communities offer spas exercise rooms tai chi classes yoga book clubs educational seminars and trips to the theater or symphony 5 What is the compression of morbidity thesis a Human life span is fixed and finite b Improvements in health care and prevention will compress years of disability and improve quality of life for an individual As a result demand for health care resources will decline the quality of life for the aged will improve and increased life expectancy will not bring about increased illness and disability 6 What is the effect of exercise on health Next to smoking exercise is the second most important influence on health With advancing age people who exercise are more fit more able to keep their weight under control and more likely to have fewer backaches and joint problems People who exercise regularly also show improved cardiovascular function better long term and short term memory and less disability 7 How do alcohol consumption and smoking affect health Be specific Smoking All three major causes of death heart attack cancer and stroke are linked to smoking Smoking is the major cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD Smoking is also associated with disability Alcohol Heavy drinkers defined as people who consume 14 or more drinks per week are more likely to suffer from cirrhosis of the liver certain cancers and hypertension People who drink an occasional glass of wine with dinner have a lower risk of mortality than nondrinkers 8 Over the past several decades what has been the trend in regard to obesity The prevalence of obesity among older men and women has increased significantly over the past 40 years in 1960 about 24 percent of women and 10 percent of men 65 to 74 were considered obese By 2002 the percentage of obese older people had increased to over 40 percent for women and to 32 percent for men 9 What is the theory of cumulative disadvantage a Cumulative Disadvantage i People who begin life with greater resources continue to have opportunities to accumulate more ii Those who begin with few resources fall further behind 10 Which racial ethnic groups have the best health Which have the worst health a African Americans Hispanics and Native Americans have poorer health than whites on a variety of measures poor b With age they are more likely to develop a serious illness and to rate their health as Gap can be explained by social factors including lifestyle employment history and access to health care 11 What are health maintenance organizations Health maintenance organization HMO or managed care a health insurance plans run by financial officers b control costs through capitation where reimbursements to health care providers are set in advance 12 What is the trend in regard to retiree health insurance offered by employers These policies have become increasingly expensive as health care costs have increased The aging of the workforce has increased the ratio of retired to active workers The federal government now requires firms to report all the costs and liabilities associated with retiree health plans 13 What are the trends in labor force participation among older men and older women Men there is a clear trend toward working longer among men in their 60s and 70s In 1990 55 percent of men 60 to 64 were in the labor force compared to 60 percent by 2010 The change is even more dramatic among men in their late 60s In 1990 just 21 percent of men age 65 to 74 were in the labor force compared to over 30 percent by 2010 Women For women LFP rates at age 62 to 74 increased from 16 9 percent in 1993 to 28 1 percent in 2010 14 How does labor force participation vary over the life course by race and ethnicity In every age group unemployment rates are higher for black and Hispanic men and women than they are for whites Unemployment rates are highest among black men until age 54 when they are exceeded by Hispanic men Black women have the highest unemployment rates until age 44 when they too are exceeded by Hispanic women 15 What did the Age Discrimination in Employment Act do Age Discrimination in Employment Act ADEA of 1967 banned discrimination against workers aged 40 to 65 and forbade employers to fire demote or reduce the salaries of older workers without good cause 16 How do caregiving responsibilities for the frail elderly differ by gender Primary caregivers are usually women a Tends to be the daughter who has fewer competing obligations b Usually one who is not working or

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